
that's good to know thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

A lot of organic farmers still use pesticides.

Instead of focusing on whether or not something is organic, you should focus on thoroughly washing and cleaning your produce before consumption. This eliminates the vast majority if not all of the residue left on your food.

Also, keep in mind that the current scientific consensus is that the consumption of the minor amount of pesticide residue present on both organic and conventional food is unlikely to increase your risk for cancer.o

Sorry @i-repost I am going to have to disagree with you, the Organic food sources local to me in southern ontario are trust-worthy, sorry that the so-called organic farmers in your area still use toxic pesticides, but a few bad apples doesn't mean Organic food should be disregarded.
Just by washing fruits and vegetables with water, is not sufficient to remove pesticides. Soaking your produce in a diluted apple cider vinegar solution is essential to removing the pineal gland calcifying pesticides that you apparently have no problem consuming. I hope that you are aware that "current scientific consensus" is fucking bullshit and since Monsanto has the FDA in their pocket, as they often trade executives between the two companies back and forth, are you sure you don't work for Monsanto? Please don't spread lies and misinformation in comments to my posts.
Fluoride is also the main ingredient in Monsanto's RoundUp, which causes a lower IQ, proved by a 2013 Harvard University study.

I hope that you are aware that "current scientific consensus" is fucking bullshit and since Monsanto has the FDA in their pocket

But it's not and they don't

are you sure you don't work for Monsanto?

I don't, but do you have some interests in the organic food industry?


Is also in the tap water

2013 Harvard University study.

You mean the Chinese study that refers to incredibly areas high amounts of naturally occurring fluoride in groundwater? Additionally, that study only points out a correlation, not causation. That's not the same thing as it being present in a herbicide.

I have spread no lies and misinformation. All of the info I have posted can be easily fact-checked, but you claim the facts to be made up.

I'm also having trouble finding reputable sources that state there is elemental fluoride in RoundUp

You need to research the difference between naturally occurring Calcium Fluoride, and the aluminum by product called Sodium Fluoride. Then you can intelligently speak to me, go do your homework, then come talk to me.
Your responses to my facts are nonsense or diversion.
Tap water is not safe, Sodium Fluoride is added.
The Harvard University study not a chinese study!!!!

The Harvard University study about China?Maybe link what you're talking about?

Also what about your interests in organic farming?

Well seeing as you won't answer.

Your profile makes it clear that you profit off of this type of ignorance as you seem to have some connection to a site selling herbal "medicine."

Also I can tell that you're going through my posts to flag them but whatev

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