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RE: On the very low risk of dying from running a marathon

in #health6 years ago

What surprised me was the relatively low risk overall.

I need to look more at what types are more likely to die. My working theory is actually the opposite - it's the experienced runner on for a pb ignoring the warning signs!

No surprise that men are twice as likley than women.

Posted using Partiko Android


That actually makes sense too. I was thinking with the weekend warrior type that they would be more likely jar loose some artery plaque and cause a blockage. But yeah pushing through the "pain" could also be a issue. Like you mentioned in your article you experienced a weird feeling yourself while pushing it.

'Jar loose artery plaque'.... not sure if that's how fitness regimes work!

Interesting turn of phrase. Never heard that one before!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not saying I know what I'm talking about, that is just what popped into my head. 🙄

I'm intending to jar some loose inna few hourz.

Posted using Partiko Android

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