Live Life to its Fullest - Do Not eat that grass!

in #health7 years ago (edited)

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My older brother is a vegetarian. My nephew is a vegan. I also have a few friends who are vegans. It seems everyday I see or hear about more people choosing to go to a plant-based diet. I seems we are all constantly being made aware of the benefits of not eating meats or any animal products and I've witnessed other vegans preach about it like it is a religion. Personally, I wish they would just keep it to themselves. I have done enough of my own digging into the facts about veganism and longivity to realize while there might be some health benefits, there is also some innacurate information being pushed upon us. Know that there are reports that claim there is nothing conclusive as far as a direct correlation to being a vegan and living a longer life. What is evident is this - vegetarians and vegans tend to live healthier lives overall, meaning they excersice, consume very little alcohol (if any), no drugs and no smoking. They also take fewer risks in life, and with that type of #lifestyle, it can be argued that they may actually live slightly longer than their non-conforming peers. If you really dig into the facts, you too will discover there is there's one important point to make: there are healthy meat-eaters, and there are unhealthy meat-eaters, just as there are healthy and unhealthy vegans.

The real conclusion here is that It's not all about the food! It has allot to do with overall lifestyle. While it can't be said for certain that being a vegetarian helps you live longer, it is known that having a well-planned, balanced diet with sufficient fruit and vegetables is certainly good for you. I don't smoke, but I do exercise and enjoy a drink here and there. I also eat whatever my heart desires... in moderation of course. I stay active and live my life to the fullest and at 63, I am more active than many of my peers and take no maintenance drugs. And when I run across anything that substantiates anything different from what all those leaf eaters preach about, I take the opportunity to share it, like this Articleby Melody Ding, Senior Research Fellow of Public Health, University of Sydney.

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A pumpkin burger? Are you kidding me?

I mean, have you ever looked at some of the ways those vegans try to disguise their food? I'll give them kudos... they try really hard to make everything they eat look edible, and if I were a goat, well... it just might look more appealing. Personally, just the thought of a "pumpkin burger" makes my stomach curdle. I know we are all free to choose who we are and how we live (to each their own, right?). Me... I will stick with the real beef burgers with cheese, pepperoni pizzas, and the occasional Porterhouse steak! The key for me is to eat quality home cooked foods, using organically grown ingredients whenever possible, indulging in both thought and moderation.

I just read this supposed testamonial authored by Keanu Reeves and thought I would share it here:

Keanu Reeves writes.. "My friend's mom has eaten healthy all her life. Never ever consumed alcohol or any "bad" food, exercised every day, very limber, very active, took all supplements suggested by her doctor, never went in the sun without sunscreen and when she did it was for as short a period as possible- so pretty much she protected her health with the utmost that anyone could. She is now 76 and has skin cancer, bone marrow cancer and extreme osteoporosis.
My friend's father eats bacon on top of bacon, butter on top of butter, fat on top of fat, never and I mean never exercised, was out in the sun burnt to a crisp every summer, he basically took the approach to live life to his fullest and not as others suggest. He is 81 and the doctors says his health is that of a young person.

People you cannot hide from your poison. It's out there and it will find you so in the words of my friend's still living mother: " if I would have known my life would end this way I would have lived it more to the fullest enjoying everything I was told not to!"

None of us are getting out of here alive, so please stop treating yourself like an after thought. Eat the delicious food. Walk in the sunshine. Jump in the ocean. Say the truth that you’re carrying in your heart like hidden treasure. Be silly. Be kind. Be weird. There’s no time for anything else."

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With those thoughts... I'm going bowling tonight, where I will enjoy a couple beers and some pizza afterwards! And tomorrow, I believe I will go jump in the ocean... after I play a little racquetball. #Live!

Have a nice day everyone!

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Genetics goes a long ways towards longevity. It's also very important to never step in front of an oncoming bus...

... or a jeepney!

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