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RE: The Ten Stages of the Mahayana Bodhisattva Path

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I will look up the data, thank you @steemitcountry, the Bodhisattva path is taken when a person has developed wise compassion and wants to help others let go of their old conditioning which roots them in endless rebirths whether it is this life time of cycling through self caused suffering or if you believe in karma, endless lifetimes of self caused suffering from birth to death...the Bodhisattva makes a vow to become a teaching Buddha, to teach people how to stop the cycle of rebirth into a womb or into their own self caused suffering.


Well its a great deep knowledge you share nice to know such things

I had so much fun in the beginning of my practice over 20 years ago studying these ideas @techzegama, it was like I found treasure <3

in Islam there is also the term karma, the use of karma in Islam is a reward for the bad deeds of a person, but karma in Islam does not have to happen, where god could have forgiven a sinner so that karma does not happen, karma is the rightful god, it can be canceled,
whether in Buddhist teachings like this also?

There is karma in Christianity as well...The only way to remove karma is to stop the behavior that has planted the seeds, just like seeds of an apple tree will grow sweet fruit the seeds of negativity will grow bitter fruit...In Buddhism there are no Gods that have the power to change a persons conditioning. In fact all Gods in Buddhism are subject to the same law of nature, they to can create negative karma and are subject to rebirth into the lower realms.

means karma in Islam is almost the same as karma in Christianity, thanks for the information

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