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RE: Detox Your System - A Beginner’s Guide to Vibrant Health

in #health5 years ago

That's not uncommon though. From what I've learned being very thin although eating more than enough calories can be an indication for parasites, malabsorption due to excessive mucus on the intestinal walls or thyroid issues. Luckily, a detoxifying diet including healing herbs can usually help to get back on track.

Junk-food cravings might also be a sign for an unbalanced intestinal flora. Including more fruits and veggies (especially leafy greens) while cutting out more and more of such harmful foods usually starves the harmful bacteria in your gut and decreases cravings. But even if we know what we should do to get healthier, it is true that the implementation can be a big challenge at times.

It is definitely so much easier when you are surrounded by people with the same health goals, I totally get you. The question is, do your family members also have a reason to start a healthier lifestyle? Everyone has their own motivation to change, sometimes we just have to find the right trigger - toned body, improved skin, mental clarity or more balanced emotions. Maybe an open discussion can clear things up and help your family to find their own intrinsic motivation.

Watching some documentaries together like "What the health", "Game Changers", "Forks over Knives" or "Conspiracy" can be a great starting point as well as ongoing inspiration on this journey. 👍

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