Little medical interuptions

in #health7 years ago

It's never great to be unwell while you're away on holidays, but I've been pushing through the pain for a bit too long and now it's likely to cost me a bit extra in treatment sessions.

Since about Christmas day I've had some pain in my neck when I turn, and with personal massage, Voltaren gel, and heat pack treatment it's just been getting worse slowly, So yesterday I finally relented and went to see the physio.

Nearly an hour long session involving her manually manipulating my neck joints and muscles, deep heat massage of the back and shoulders, and a run through a couple of exercises and it felt a lot better.

Come this morning and it wasn't as good as yesterday after the session, but it was still way better than before the session. Today was with a different physio at the clinic, and he talked through a few other techniques and mostly focused on working the neck joints and it feels a lot freer than beforehand.

Next appointment is on Friday, but it really is quite improved over where it was. Just not a great way to be spending a couple of days of a holiday, but at least I've not been vomiting or nauseous like a couple of the other people here.

As a result of not feeling great, and needing to take more time out, today you get to enjoy reading about my not great health.

Tonight though, we're off to dinner out at one of the local pubs before my fiancee's parents go home tomorrow.

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Get better mate. I have a great Osteopath who works for me if you need to see someone in Melbourne. You do live in Melbourne don't you?

Nah, I'm living in Sydney, but I do visit Melbourne often enough. Including in a few days as part of the drive back to Sydney from Adelaide

Oh OK. Not sure why I thought you lived here. That's quite a long drive you're doing!

yeah, good thing I like driving :)

And I get to visit some friends along the way which is always nice. Less this time though as they don't all have the ability to host 2 people for the night.


Sorry to hear your not well and I can very much understand the pain. I have spondylitis for 7 years now. Try to do some meditation and do gentle stretches. I find if you keep moving it will go away faster. Everyone is different but if you meditate for 15 to 30 minutes you should notice a calmness afterwards. Next day I find I can recover instead of a long flare up. I will write a post on some techniques that have worked for myself soon. The mind can be relaxed to help release muscles. The mind can also be used to release muscles through intention, an ancient martial art called taiji (the real deal). They always say the mind is powerful. Glad the physio is helping :)

I've been a long time believer and practitioner in meditation and stretching. I try to do both every day, but stretches are essential. Meditation sometimes can be skipped if the mind is doing ok, but it's better not to.

Spondylitis isn't much fun at all.

It's just occurred to me that maybe I'm channelling you because I literally have zero idea where the neck and shoulder pain I've been having over the last couple of days have come from, JJ reckons it's my cintiq so I have adjusted my setup as best I can but well you know what my setup is like XD

Hope it buggers off soon (for both of us!) it's uncomfortable XD


Better than if I was projecting at least, since it's your fault in this case XD

Certainly hope it gets better soon

Sorry to hear you’re not doing too well there. Health is something we seem to take for granted a lot so I hope your neck injury is not permanent or at least is manageable so you can get back to enjoying life to the fullest! Get better soon

Me too. The pain is at least manageable currently, but it would be nice to not have any pains in the neck and shoulders. Hopefully tomorrow's session has me in a good condition for at least the week before I'll be able to see another physio in Sydney

Hope so, good luck!

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