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RE: My SIBO Story (part 1) - What is SIBO & How it has Effected Me

in #health5 years ago

Hi @riverflows

Yeah, balance is key in so much. It's been a struggle tbh maintaining any type of balance in the last year particularly as this illness has ramped-up a gear and especially as the fatigue and brain fog have intensified. I was at least able to write and earn consistently when they were less intense. Before all this started, I had big plans to become a digital nomad and travel the world while earning from freelance writing... but this condition really is much too severe to risk setting off into the wild ;-)

It's massively frustrating as the combinations of symptoms, particularly brain fog, nausea and fatigue just leave you unable to do anything. Don't get me wrong, it comes in waves; so some weeks I am less effected by the symptoms, like the intensity is less. But they're always there, at the moment I wouldn't even have the energy to set up a passive earning business to get me started on the path to travelling freedom. If I get well, that will be a different story as there is one positive I've taken from this 6 year sht show; that's to not take anything for granted, especially health. If I get mine back I'm going at life full-on 100% joy and experiences as much as I can in this short life :-)

Funny I was just reading about oregano oil and SIBO but wasn't entirely sure what that was...

Yeah, it is a powerful anti-fungal anti-parasitical anti-bacterial natural medicine. I may actually be using it in the final week of the (elemental diet) treatment I've just started and will be making a post about today.

Thanks for your comment, I appreciate everyone's support on this post :-)


Come chat about it in NM. Someone might be able to help. Sending you love and strength and healing to get on with your nomad dream!!!

Posted using Partiko Android

I've got to be honest, I've done so much research on this and had to sift through so many varying opinions that the last thing I want to do is run over everything I've already discussed in forums, Facebook groups and with various people for years again.

It gets exhausting. I really do appreciate where you're coming from though, and that it's meant in a spirit of wanting to help in my healing. After I've finished this treatment I'm about to post about, I'll drop in to NM for chats and comparisons of ways to heal etc.

What I've found with SIBO is that there are so many conflicting opinions/treatment paths, that you can get pulled this way and that, when what is needed is just to go through the different healing protocols systematically. One by one.

This is why I'm focused on the elemental diet right now. I'm flat broke, in debt up to my eyeballs, so this medical option is my best option right now as I'm in the UK and the NHS pay for it. After all my doctor bashing in this post 😉 this is actually the first time they've relented and given me treatment I suggested because I found clinical trial reports so they couldn't say no.

Thanks again for the love and support. I hope you understand my reasoning for wanting to stay focused at this time and I'm really fatigued at the moment so I just don't have the energy for chat rooms etc.

Once I've finished this post I'm writing, I'm taking at least 3-4 days off from steem and the internet in general to focus on my mind and meditation. Being gentle and kind to myself basically, to improve the overall process of this treatment.

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