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RE: My SIBO Story (part 1) - What is SIBO & How it has Effected Me

in #health5 years ago

Hi @jaynie.

Thanks for your kind words and you're right, it is insane how complex SIBO is and how badly it can effect someone. I'm a severe case btw, some people find relief from antibiotics and many of the other treatments I describe, and lots of people only have a few symptoms.

Lol, I'm not someone who ever wants to complain. Which is probably why I've never written about this before but this diet is most probably going to make me very sick before it makes me better. I've sort of wrote this - and part two coming tomorrow - as explanations to everyone I know why I might disappear over the next 20 days.

Once the bacteria start dying they basically throw out poison as a defense mechanism, (it's called die-back in detox circles) and because I have such a large overgrowth, I suspect it is gonna be really bad. Like in bed 16 hours/day bad. We shall see. I'm gonna steem as much as I can, if I can, and I pre-recorded my push up videos for #Seven77 for nine days so I'm set for the first part of this crazy treament ;-)

Thanks again for checking out my post :)

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