Running Down A Dream: A Runners Rambling

in #health6 years ago (edited)

We are rounding third folks… that’s baseball analogy for we are on the final count down… that’s rock and roll analogy for it’s almost that time for us to catch some flights… y’all know what I’m trying to say, don’t cha?

I see so many steemians writing about their actifit steps (did I say that right?) and sharing their personal fitness or health goals for the coming year and thought “puravidaville, you run everyday, you drink a healthy smoothie everyday, and you’re coming up on your last runs (no not diarrhea) you’ll have, here, in the states, why don’t you document one”.

I know, sounds totally interesting to you right? Well, I want to give you a reference for when I post my first jogging adventure once we touch down in Costa Rica.

So today is a good day to show you my current jogging route. It also just so happens to be New Years Eve and I think this song is appropriate for both, documenting my final week of jogging this route and ringing in the new year.

Hey Turd, if you don’t click on the link then you won’t get the full effect of my closing sentence. Yeah, I’m talking to you turdlette.


For the months of November and December I’ve been on this one particular, pre run, smoothie kick. Not that drinking a smoothie before my run is anything special but the specific flavor of this one in particular is just that, special.

I was talking to @plantstoplanks the other day about a homemade eggnog she made that was also vegan, gluten free and sugar free, I believe. Don’t worry, it had a shit ton of liquor for those of you who read that description as unappealing. I’m just kidding, I don’t know if she used liquor or not, and my pre-run smoothie certainly is alcohol free but flavor rich. Nailed it!

This is my rendition of a dairy free, egg free, sugar free, non alcoholic but loads of fun, Eggnog Smoothie.

I use about 2.5 cups of spinach (yes, I’m aware that’s a lot), 1/2 an avocado, 3/4 cold bottle of water, 1 scoop of Garden of Lifeprotein powder, 1 Tbsp chia seeds, 1 Tbsp flax seeds, 1/2 Tsp pumpkin spice, 1/2 Tsp Cinnamon, dash pink salt, then blend it until smooth. Top with 1/2 Tbsp coconut shreds and dust in cinnamon for the full eggnog effect.

It’s my favorite as of late. Sometimes I eat it for a treat, complete with a scoop of almond butter, coconut shreds, cinnamon and stevia sprinkles. 😋 Delicious and super healthy. Anyway, back to my run…


With my earbuds blasting, I hit the pavement. This morning was pretty crisp so I had to make sure to play my ultimate playlist. That’s the music playlist that’ll get your butt in gear no matter what the elements around you are.

Heading out my front door I come upon the water within less than half a mile. I don’t think I’ve ever had a jogging route that wasn’t by the water come to think of it. Such a spoiled girl…

I’m the girl that runs with her vision solely focused on finding and avoiding the dog turds on the sidewalk, looking up only to passerbyers to wave and say “good morning”. Oddly enough, many people didn’t say good morning back to me when we first moved here. Now, they all have come to expect a good morning from me so they reciprocate. Haha… California can be so self absorbed.


Sometimes, when I’m not being a sissy, I’ll run along the sand. The only reason I don’t everytime is because it’s hard enough keeping the sand out of our place without me dragging it in by the boat load on my shoes. Sure, I could jog without shoes but that negates the point.


This is my secret path along the water, in between the rich folk homes. This is also where the sidewalk dog pooping bandit lives. He’s an elusive fella, no one has ever really identified him but we all have seen his “foot prints”. You can also see where some poor old sap has surfed in a turd. I can only imagine the outcomes of those skid marks. ::wink:: ::wink:: cough, @jlsplatts, cough, ::wink::


The tides have been rising here, which no one talks about, and the homes right on the water are getting worried. Often times when I hit my morning jog, I can see that the water has come up to the sidewalk. Yowzers!

That cute mound of sand they built up should stop that pesky ocean though 😉.


Sometimes I can’t believe just how lucky I am to live where we do. My following thought is “wait until you see the next place” or so @dandays likes to say. I can’t imagine a place much better than where we are but Costa Rica is going to be something else.


I don’t think we’ll see all of these mini and mega yachts docked in CR but I bet my morning jog will have some similarities, probably a lot of differences, and maybe even some friendly passbyers that I can count on to say “hola, buenos dias”, “hi, good morning”.

I’m sincerely looking forward to documenting my morning run over there in paradise, and reporting back to all of you who are patiently waiting at the edge of your seats to hear about my experience. Haha.

Thank you all for stopping in and checking out what I have going on. I appreciate each and every one of my Steemit friends, and am astonished to what this community has taught me this year. I hope to continue writing, cooking, running, creating, laughing, debating, loving, and sharing, here, on Steemit- just from over there… closer to the equator 😉.

Pura Vida Amigos ✌️



Never been to or have every considered going to Costa Rica. Did a little searching to see what it is that has you guys moving. WOW, what beauty this little country has to offer.
I hope to continue writing, cooking, running, creating, laughing, debating, loving, and sharing, here, on Steemit- just from over there… closer to the equator.
I'm sure that many fellow Steemians feel the same way as I do, and that is that you continue to share with all of us, in your posts, the happiness that you and #dandays share with each others. It is a joy to see two people so in love and supportative of each other.
Some people may think it is mushy, but being an old school guy I love it.
May your adventure play out to be better than your dreams.
I know that I have expressed my appreciation to #dandays for all of his efforts with my nonsense trying to power up farm-mom. I would also like to let you know personally that your efforts are also greatly appreciated.
Have a great New Year all year.

Awe… thank you @thebigsweed. It’s easy to be mushy when you’re married to your best friend :). We both truly enjoy helping others in any way that we can. I know when I first entered the site, I didn’t know anything and that can be really discouraging. I still don’t know much but I feel much more comfortable navigating the community now :)

We appreciate your friendship too, and are thrilled to see your wife, @farm-mom, join in the reindeer games. I don’t know how much longer Steemit will be relevant, being that the platform has changed from “everyone come join” to “join and engage only if you pay a little”. I think the current model turns most off from joining Steemit. But as long as it’s here, so will @dandays and I be. Thanks for stopping by and showing your support my friend. Happy New Years to you and your family Sir!

Pay to play seems to be a way of life. You know a lot more than the both of us, as your always extended helping hand has proven.

Don't count me out of this weeks #fff gala just yet. Will post the most amazing meal that will have people editing there votes my way. I can truthfully say that I prepared this most exquisite meal with NO ASSISTANCE whatsoever.. See that, the nose has not even grown a nanometer.
This meal may even surpass the legendary #puravidaville's creations.

You better bring it with an introduction like that :)

Wait a minute?!?!? How did I get involved with this turd talk skid mark business?? I always pick up my dogs presents. Even if I don’t have a bag I will go up to the house and ask for one. Everyone has a grocery bag laying around house. There ain’t no shame in asking for a big to pick up your dog’s steaming turd.
I love it when I see someone’s dog givin’ it he heave ho and the owner grabs their phone or something and pretends they didn’t notice their dog droppin’ a 3 pound turd. 😂😂😂

Skid marks??? Hey if you time it right, which may take a couple practice flushes if you using a foreign toilet, that turd catches a wave and is gone without a trace....ummm crap...poop.... I shared my secret to being the fastest cleanest crapper this side of The Mississippi.

Cheers to both of you on your future adventures!! My parents went down there and did some awesome Zip-line tours. Yes my Mom even went and she was 60 yrs old at the time and not much of a thrill seeker. My old man on the other hand....ya he doesn’t need any ideas and he is creating up on 70

Hahaha 🤣🤣

givin’ it the heave ho

That’s hilarious. Yeah, more people should think like that (bring bags or ask for one) but there are far too many crappy (pun intended) dog owners in LA.

By the way, I’ll keep your strategy in mind should I ever need to pull a Houdini turd. Haha

So awesome! Good for your Mom, those zip lines can be a little janky too. I was a bit hesitant when I saw them for the first time. Haha… a few more days and we are off. Thank you for the well wishes @jlsplatts!

Wait’ll you see the next one. 😉

I bet you didn’t know I was going to tell you I like this one more than Plug in And Disconnect. You got real personable, even dropping a curse wOrd—bra to the vo gorgeous. I’m the luckiest guy I know. Remember that one I did awhile back where I was asking you to write about that one thing?

iheartu all the time @puravidaville, hey! I just figured out something funny I can do to your name, check it out: @puravidavillan.

Really? Thanks babe! I was just a rambling a bit but I wanted to set it up so I could post my first jogging experience in Costa Rica and people would know what I was talking about. Thanks for always supporting me- I heartu all the time 😘

P.s. No! That’s no to the name change.

Looks like I have missed the post on why you are moving to Costa Rica.

I don’t know if we have shared “why” we are moving… the biggest reason for moving would be simply because we can 🤷🏼‍♀️, and because Costa Rica is like no place we’ve ever known before; life is so much simpler. Thanks for stopping by @scorer- it’s good to hear from ya every once in awhile 😉

because we can 🤷🏼‍♀️

Nice. 🙌😉

Ditto my friend!

Yasss on all fronts! Love that you finally did a running post, especially with that banging smoothie! I'm sure you'll blaze some killer trails in your new town soon. 🏃‍♀️

Hahaha… that runner emoji is pure gold! She is getting it, isn’t she? Haha… I’m so glad you feel me. I swear the smoothie tastes like a formidable eggnog but with extra fiber 🤷🏼‍♀️ So gooood. Can’t wait to show you what the next running route looks like 😉.

Nice post, have wonderful trip, be safe ! Loved the we go 2019 !!

Thanks @farm-mom! We are actually moving there so all of our preparation is finally coming to a head. That’s right, bring on 2019 :). Haha

Thanks for stopping by my friend! Catch ya next year :)

Thank you @irinal- Happy New Year to you too :)

Oh my you have my interest are that close to the beach? We have spent so much time in Santa Monica, Long Beach, Newport and you live in those areas? What a morning run, nothing like it! I love running on the beach...but not dodging the dog do....Love your smoothie, looks and sounds like a beast, with the pumpkin spice, cinnamon.....I need to get the running shoes on! Sooooooo excited for you guys! Happy New Years....last one in CA! Woot!

Woot, woot!!! Last one here for awhile. Yes, we live right by the water. I don’t think I’d get the same enjoyment from my runs if they weren’t on the water. I don’t know why people let their dogs poop right where everyone is walking either. Some don’t even bother to pick them up and that’s when you’ll be glad to have kept your nose to the grindstone looking for the nasty buggers. Haha…

The next place will be even better, I think. I’m truly looking forward to sharing it with everyone here. Belmont Shore is nice and all but I don’t think it can compare to my Costa Rica :). We’ll see 🤷🏼‍♀️ If you ever find yourself in Central America let’s get together for one of these mean smoothies, shall we?!?

Happy New Year Mrs. and Mr. Bird 🎆🏋🏽‍♀️ (Because this year we can do anything 😉)

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