Dietary Fats: Do You Know The Good From The Bad?

in #health8 years ago

Do You Know Your Dietary Fats?

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When attempting to lead a healthy way of life, dietary fats are something people will often mistakenly think they ought to stop consuming. The fact is, except for trans fats, dietary fats are vital for great health and something that you need to be consuming routinely. This short article will take a comprehensive look at the 4 primary kinds of dietary fats and supply you with a complete summary of each one.

Saturated Fats

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Saturated fats are most likely the most damned of the 4 fats with lots of sources declaring that they result in clogged up arteries, heart problems and more. The fact is that saturated fats are important for excellent health and without them your body would not work effectively. The functions of saturated fats in the body consist of:

  • Heart disease prevention
  • Stronger Bones
  • Reinforcing your cell wells
  • Enhancing your nervous system
  • Vital organs strengthening

Animal products such as dairy, red meat and butter, are exceptional sources of saturated fats. If you're a vegetarian, avocado, coconut and other types of nuts are a fantastic way to fill up on this nutrient.

Monounsaturated Fats

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Monounsaturated fats keep your blood healthy as well as safeguard your body versus a variety of undesirable disorders. The list listed below highlights the primary functions of monounsaturated fats in your body:
Improved blood glucose regulation
Increasing blood levels of HDL cholesterol (which assists to clear LDL cholesterol from your artery walls).

  • Increasing the rate at which your body burns fat.
  • Safeguarding versus cancer.
  • Safeguarding against inflammation.
  • Decreasing blood levels of LDL cholesterol (which develops in your
    artery walls and limits blood circulation).

Monounsaturated fats are nearly specifically discovered in plant based foods with avocados, olive oil, nuts and a lot of seeds including high levels of these health enhancing fats.

Polyunsaturated Fats

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Polyunsaturated fats is broken down into 2 types of fatty acids-- omega 3 essential fatty acids (EFAs) and omega 6 EFAs. They benefit your body in the following ways:

  • Enhancing your brain.
  • Enhancing your skin.
  • Improving your vision.
  • Cancer prevention.
  • Safeguarding against heart disease.
  • Stronger bones.

A few of the very best food sources of omega 3 EFAs consist of cold water fish (such as anchovies and salmon), dairy and flaxseed oil. A few of the very best food sources of omega 6 EFAs consist of most kinds of nuts and sunflower seed oil.

Trans Fats

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Unlike the 3 dietary fats noted above, trans fats are not needed by your body and consuming them can in fact be damaging to your health. They are a manufactured, synthetic kind of fat which food producers utilize to extend the shelf life of their items and something you wish to avoid at all cost. The unfavorable signs of taking in trans fats consist of:

  • Increasing the risk of Alzheimer's.
  • Increased risk of cancer.
  • Increased visk of cardiovascular disease.

Trans fats are primarily contributed to processed items such as hamburgers, cakes, cookies, french fries, frozen foods and pizzas. If you restrict your consumption of these foods and focus on fresh, natural choices rather, you'll help prevent the health dangers associated with trans fats.


When it comes to your health, I hope this post has actually been helpful to you in knowing more about dietary fats and their value. If you're not doing so currently, ditch the trans fats, fill up on saturated, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats and take pleasure in all their health advantages.

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Sugar and trans fats is what we all need to avoid!

Good post! I'm sure you know this, but your readers might not.
One of the important things about dietary fat is the fat soluble vitamins. Especially vitamin A that only comes in animal fats, and vit D that is in animal fats and comes from the sun.

Great reply, thanks for contributing!

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