5 High Carb Foods You Should Try To Avoid

in #health8 years ago (edited)

When following a low carb diet, the goal is to get healthier, you also must know that there are certain high carb foods to avoid. In this short article I'm going to be taking an in-depth look at 5 high carb foods you have to cut from your diet in order to succeed with low carb eating plan.

1. Cereals

Calories Per Serving = 100+.
Carbs Per Serving = 25g+.

Those colorful cereals that are often promoted to kids are unhealthy and containe little nutritional value. A lot of cereals include over 90% carbs and a big percentage of these carbs are sugars. You can replace your unhealthy cereal with fruit mixed with Greek yogurt, or a healthy omelet. Both these alternatives are yummy, filling and much lower in carbs than cereal.

2. Refined Sugar

Calories Per Teaspoon = 16.
Carbs Per Teaspoon = 4g.

Consuming sugar has shown to lead to many health problems. You should stop right now if you're including sugar to your coffee or tea or adding it to any foods you consume. A single teaspoon of sugar includes 4g of carbs and given that it includes no fiber or starch, it quickly enters your blood stream and triggers your blood sugar levels to rise and after crash. Sugar does really little to please your hunger, so by keeping it in your diet, you'll be including excess carbs all while doing nothing to stop your cravings.

3. Milk Chocolate

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Calories Per 1.5 oz. Serving = 230+.
Carbs Per 1.5 oz. Serving = 25g+.

With a typical bar including over 230 calories and over 25g of carbs, it's something you may not want to be consuming often, especially if you desire to effectively follow a low carb diet plan. If you just don't want to give up chocolate totally, try covering almonds (or you're preferred nuts) in some melted milk chocolate and letting it set.

4. Candy

Calories Per 1 oz. Serving = 150+.
Carbs Per 1 oz. Serving = 15g+.

Candy is often promoted to children, so from an early beginning, a deire for candy id developed. To please your sweet tooth without packing up on carbs, try taking in low carb fruits. Paches, strawberries and watermelon all consist of less than 15g of carbs and are filled with many healthy quality nutrients.

5. Potato Chips

Calories Per 1 oz. Serving = 150+.
Carbs Per 1 oz. Serving = 14g+.

With over 14g of carbs per 1 oz. The problem here is usually you just can't just eat one. The great news is that there are plenty of low carb options to potato chips. You can make your own kale chips which are much lighter than routine potato chips and have a really low carb count.


As you can see, simply a single serving of any of the 5 foods above will supply you with much more carbs than your body needs. Not only will this crush any attempt to have a low carb diet, it will also mess with your energy levels and leave you wanting more carbs. If you're presently consuming any of these foods, make sure you remove them from your diet today.

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Sugar is much worse than many realize.

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