Why do most weight loss exercise take long to see results?

in #health6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

In simple terms, 1 lb. = 3500 calories.

If you want to see noticeable results in weight loss, you need to lose a good 5-15 lbs. That's a lot of calories that need to be deficit after having accounted for your food intake. Most people find it hard just to have a deficit of 500 calories a day (including their regular workout/gym routine). And if a person does this for 7 days straight, that should theoretically help lose only 1 lb.

To see the results, you have to be diligent, consistent and sustain an active lifestyle while also monitoring your intake. Some people get the first part right, while others succeed with the second part. And then, you have people who simply lose motivation and give up. That's why it takes a long time to see results.

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