Hemorrhoids - Getting Rid Of The Pain In My Butt

in #health8 years ago


Common, Yet, Not A Topic Of Discussion

At least once in our lives, many of us would have had hemorrhoids or piles before. These irritating little buggers can cause a lot of convenience when they do strike.

It is a very common condition that could affect just about anyone. But yet, it is not really talked about as it isn't a conversation starter and many are embarrassed to talk about it.

A Personal Experience

I, for one, am guilty of that. To the point that I would rather wait out and let it subside by itself than going to see a doctor about it. I would only go to the doctor if it causes a huge inconvenience for myself.

I've had them for quite a bit myself over the past few years. For me, it happens quite frequently. I had at least two occurrences within a year since i was 19.

While most of it cleared up on its own, my last episode two and a half years back was the worst by far. It lasted for almost three months. On top of that, the area got infected, making the pain and situation even worse.

It was really bad. Every time I went out, I had to bring an extra set of underwear because of the fluids released due to the infection. On top of that, I used pantyliners just to prevent the soiling and stinking of my underpants.

What a great conversation starter that would have (not) been indeed - a grown guy having to use pantyliners! That was a secret I didn't want to let it see the light of day.

The Search For A Remedy


In that three months, I would had visited my family doctor 4 times. I was prescribed antibiotics, suppositories and even ointments. But nothing worked. The hemorrhoid was not subsiding. In fact, it was growing in size and was infected.

I was referred to a specialist who suggested to have it removed via surgery. I was not comfortable with that idea. I asked that we try a few more waiting it out a bit. If nothing improves within the next two weeks, then we could talk explore the surgery route.

I was desperate. The thought of surgery scares me. I went online and tried out all the different home remedies that others have suggested. While it didn't get rid of the hemorrhoid, it made the condition more bearable, with slight improvements.

It became less painful and itchy, and the infection was starting to clear up. But that wasn't enough for me. I needed it to clear. FAST.

My Breakthrough


Hundreds of webpages and multiple home remedy treatments later, I made a last ditch attempt with a horse chestnut supplement.

My prayers were answered!

Within two days, the hemorrhoid shrank by half the size and by the fifth day, it was completely gone! VANISHED! KAPOOF-ED! The embarrassment that I had to live with for the past three months were finally over! My life was complete.

Just to be sure, I went back to the doctor for a check and he confirmed that it was gone. Also, it didn't leave any ugly skin tags behind. I must have been one of the happiest person alive at that point of time.

My Saviour, Horse Chestnuts

What are horse chestnuts and why it works?

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Horse chestnut (Aesculus Hippocastanum) is the fruit of the conker tree which has been widely used as a remedy for its anti-inflammatory effects and for the treatment of a wide range of venous ailments.

Its astringent properties helps to tone and strengthen vein walls and is used widely for the treatment of varicose veins. Horse chestnuts contains aescin which is a mixture of phytochemicals that has been shown to be beneficial for vein health. [1]

So what does this have to do with hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids and varicose veins are one and the same condition, only in different areas. Our anal cavities contains blood vessels and tissues. As age catches up or with constant straining of the lower abdominal area, These blood vessels weaken, leaking fluids into the surrounding tissues and casing hemorrhoid flare ups.


My Verdict

Horse chestnut has been the most effective remedy for me. In fact, since the last occurrence, I've been hemorrhoid free over the past two years. I've also been taking horse chestnut supplements on a daily basis for maintenance purpose.

Caution Should you wish to give horse chestnut a go, please seek the advice of your medical professional if you are taking blood thinning medications or anticoagulants and medications for diabetes.


Home Remedies For Hemorrhoid

Here are some other home remedies that you can turn to for some relief from hemorrhoids.

Apple Cider Vinegar - The astringent and antibacterial properties of apple cider vinegar can help relieve your hemorrhoid symptoms. Soak some apple cider vinegar with a cotton ball and apply it to the hemorrhoid area. Continue applying it till the symptoms subside.

Witch Hazel - Witch hazel is an astringent and is one of the most used methods for treating hemorrhoids. Apply it to the hemorrhoid area using a cotton ball.

Aloe Vera - Apply aloe vera to the area to relieve symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

Coconut Oil - Apply come coconut oil for relief till symptoms improve.

Butcher's Broom - Like horse chestnut, butcher's broom is another herbal remedy that would help with hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It's astringent and analgesic properties helps with improving the symptoms associated with hemorrhoids.

Psyllium Husk - Place lesser strain on the hemorrhoid area by consuming psyllium husk. It helps increase your fiber intake which helps soften your stool. This helps prevent constipation and places less strain when passing motion.

Get Hot & Cold - Soaking your behind in warm sitz bath a few times a day can help reduce inflammation, while using ice packs will help reduce swelling.

Prevention Still Better Than Cure

Save yourself from the unnecessary sufferings of hemorrhoids by making some lifestyle changes.

Get Active & Shed Some Weight - A sedentary lifestyle and being overweight is an ingredient to a decline in health. It keeps your body system in a sluggish state. Start exercising and being active to ensure that your body system remains in tip top condition.

Increase Fiber Intake - Fiber helps to soften stools and keeps your digestive tract healthy. This helps prevent constipation which is one of the main contributing factors for hemorrhoids.

Hydrate, Hydrate & Hydrate - The importance of hydration can't be ignored. Stay hydrated to keep your digestive system moving and to prevent constipation. Water, together with fiber, will help soften stools and prevent constipation and the need for straining.

Hemorrhoid Be Gone

Gone were the days that I had to suffer from the discomfort. But for good measure, lifestyle changes had to be taken in order to maintain and prevent future flare ups from happening.

While these various home remedies could help alleviate the discomfort brought on by hemorrhoids, it is still better to seek medical advice as it may be a symptom of another condition.

For more information, you can refer to the resources list at the bottom of the post.

Disclaimer: This post is intended solely for informational purposes only. It is not and should not be viewed as medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Please consult your healthcare professionals should you require medical advice.

Do follow me @pozitivityspace for more posts and updates.


[1] Sirtori CR
Aescin: Pharmacology, Pharmacokinetics And Therapeutic Profile; Pharmacol Res. 2001 Sep;44(3):183-93. PMID: 11529685 DOI: 10.1006/phrs.2001.0847

Informational Resources:

About Hemorrhoids:
Mayo Clinic

Home Remedies:
Natural Society
The People's Pharmacy
Earth Clinic

Image Source: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

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