Stretching Exercises to Start Your Day Right😊 💪

in #health2 years ago

Stretching Exercises to Start Your Day Right

Stretching regularly is one of the best ways to improve flexibility and reduce risk of injury during your workouts. Whether you’re just starting out or are well on your way to physical fitness, stretching before and after working out will boost your performance and help you recover faster from exhaustion or injuries, leading to better results overall. These stretching exercises will help you start every day right, as they’ll make sure that every part of your body is ready to tackle whatever challenges the day has in store for you.

Stretch and warm up before exercise

While it’s important to warm up your muscles before engaging in a physical activity, you should not stretch as soon as you wake up. Why? Because many of your muscles will be cold, and stretching them cold could lead to injury. Instead, perform dynamic movements when you first wake up and start heating your body with mild cardio exercises before tackling static stretches. Static stretches are best saved for after a workout or an intense cardio session. Most people can easily perform three dynamic movements (jumping jacks, lunges, side steps) that will kick-start their blood flow within 30 seconds; try these after waking up on a cold morning and you'll be sure to feel invigorated!

Try some yoga poses in the morning

These are a few yoga poses you can try that should ease some of your stiffness. If you don’t want to invest in classes or special equipment, here are a few simple stretches and exercises for people who sit at desks all day. Keep in mind that any sort of exercise is better than none. Even if you only do one stretch a day, it can keep your body from going into full-on slump mode by helping loosen up tight muscles and improve circulation. And while many experts recommend getting 30 minutes of moderate activity (like walking) every day, not everyone has time for that—so stretching out during your morning commute could be a good way to make sure you get something done before work.

A few stretches after waking up feels good too

Stretching is a great way to start your day. Your muscles and tendons have been inactive all night long, so after you wake up, it’s important to get them moving again. A few stretching exercises will help relieve soreness in your muscles and prevent stiff joints. Here are a few simple stretches you can do each morning.

Cat - Cow Stretch

Begin on all fours, your hands directly below your shoulders and knees right below your hips. Keep your head in a neutral position. On an inhale, drop your belly as you arch up toward the ceiling and lift your chin slightly. On an exhale, round forward toward your toes and drop your head as if you’re bowing to someone in front of you. Repeat 5-10 times each way.

Downward Facing Dog

This is a familiar pose from yoga, and it has numerous benefits. It relieves stress and anxiety, helps increase flexibility, stretches out your spine, strengthens your wrists and knees and improves circulation. Begin on all fours, lift your hips and keep your legs straight. Your hands to your hips should be a straight line, and hips to knees. Basically, you body should be in a reverse V position with only your hands and feet on the ground. Downward facing dog can be done for five minutes at a time. If you’re having trouble holding it for that long, try doing sets of 10 seconds at a time with a 30-second break in between each set.

Tree Pose

This pose is ideal for someone who wants to improve their balance and focus. Start by standing upright. Press your hands together in a prayer position in front of you. Keep one foot on the ground and raise your other foot to either the inside of your grounded leg below the knee, or on the inside of your thigh. Breath and hold this position for 1 minute. Concentrate on maintaining your position and keeping your balance. Now switch legs.

Consider a Foam Roller

Foam rolling is a form of self-myofascial release and can help you with your recovery and reduce soreness throughout your body. Use one after your exercise routine or even just in place of it if you’re crunched for time. It’s pretty convenient! Just make sure you know how to use one properly before diving in. You can check out some videos on YouTube that show how to do it correctly (or ask a trainer at your gym). You’ll want to focus on certain areas of your body that get really tight like glutes, quads, calves, etc.

A couple of lower back stretches can ease pain

Stretching is a great way to loosen up tight muscles, especially those at risk for low back pain. Sit on a chair or bench and cross one leg over your knee. Lean forward while pushing your hip forward until you feel a stretch in your lower back; hold it for 15 seconds, then switch sides. Another exercise involves lying face-up on an exercise mat. Bend one knee in and place it on top of your other leg, which stays straight and flat on the floor. Keeping both knees together, gently pull them toward your chest. Hold for 10 seconds, then release. Repeat five times per side.

Get started today with stretching

Research has shown that regular stretching can reduce your risk of injury and help you feel stronger and healthier. The best time to start something new is right now. So, get started!

Here's my top recommended stretching program for women 👉👉

Here's the best stretching program for men 👉👉

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