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RE: My Cholesterol Hit A New High & Why I’m Ok With That

in #health7 years ago

I had been on statins for decades before finding out repeated sport injuries might be related. When, against my doctor's advise, who insisted side effects as discussed by the media were highly exaggerated, and I'dd be better of quiting the gym than quiting my statins, not only my sporting injuries went to virtually zero, turned out that statins might have been causing severe cognitive decline as well. 9 months after going of statins, I had an IQ test, a real, payed for one, not the nonsense free IQ tests you find on the internet, and my IQ was just slightly above the 3 sigma mark. Taking into account that in my teens and early 20s I had a few IQ tests all saying the same, not a strange outcome, where it not that my IQ had been going down gradually, as I had thought as the result of growing older, and the previous test I had had two years prior had already slipped below the two sigma mark. My GP again stressed this could not have been a side effect as IQ going down wasn't even a recorded side effect, but people who do IQ tests told me individual IQ doesn't just jump up a whole sigma unless you stack the deck and practise IQ tests all the time. At the moment I now use niacin to keep my cholesterol numbers in check, and apparatus from my GP being off my back now, Ivv noticed high dosage niacin flush actually helps my athletic performance if I try to time it to ocure during my workout. Niacin was something I read in a book on cholesterol by Dr Sinatra called The Great Cholesterol Myth. A lot of good stuff in that book, filled with real risk reduction tips, you should read it. Not all of them are keto compatible, but most are. Never ever going back on statins, but I really think high dosage niacin is an amazing hack. Flushing needs some getting used to, but the flushing seems to be what does the trick and my sporting accomplishments seem to be all the better for it.


Thanks for the comment. Niacin is something one of the keto guys I follow on YouTube is experimenting with. It looks promising.

Unfortunately, GPs get their research from studies done by drug companies. My prediction is statins will go down as one of the worst drugs the medical field has mass prescribed in decades.

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