Health Benefits of Coffee

in #health6 years ago (edited)

It is weird to some but I find myself drinking coffee at two o clock in the afternoon Eastern time. I usually drink coffee in the morning at work but on my off days I feel like I am losing my energy in the afternoon times.


I bought this brand of coffee in my recent travel to the Philippines. Based on its Nutritional Facts, it has 80kcal Energy per 17 grams serving. It wakes me up and sustain my energy for a short period of time. The only downside if I am caffeinated is I am having palpitations. ( My heart beats faster).

It is long been proven that drinking coffee has major benefits to our body.

1.Caffeine found in coffee stimulates our energy. Depending upon how much you drink it can boost your energy for the day. Caution to pregnant women though, some literature will say pregnant women is limited to 200 milligrams per day.

  1. It causes increases in the body's metabolism thereby it helps burn excess body fat.

  2. It has high antioxidant qualities.It helps clean out those toxins in your body.

4.It help reduce the risk of certain type of disease.(i.e Diabetes Type 2, Alzheimers, Parkinson's ,Heart disease)

5.It boost mental health.


Have a cup of coffee today! Cheers!

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