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RE: Loneliness Now as Deadly as Smoking and Obesity

in #health7 years ago

I like your post on loneliness and the hidden aspects of it. Unfortunately, this is not something that is easily detected like depression and is usually noticed too late.

Here's a link to my writeup in a somewhat aligned manner to your post, let me know if you like it !


It's all about being aware yourself, and if you feel as tho someone in your social circle might be feeling the effects of loneliness, spend some time with them. Engage them in meaningful activities. And even if they were not suffering from chronic loneliness, both you and them will have benefited from the fun times :)

At this day and age, we often take for granted things that happen around us, only to regret having to notice it too late! But I do agree with you, we should really be aware and start living.

Well said. Be aware, start living and enjoying our selves, and everyone we care for :)

You are so correct.

I started making a habit of thinking about the blessing in my life every morning as I brushed my teeth. That two minutes of gratefulness truly sets up my day to being aware of all the good things, so that I do not take anything for granted :)

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