How to Reduce Belly Fat: Exercises and a Diet Plan

in #health2 years ago (edited)

Belly fat refers to visceral fat around the liver and other organs of the abdomen. It is located near the portal vein, which carries blood to the liver.

Although this fat can be dangerous to your body, there are ways to reduce it. HealthifyMe does not recommend spot reduction. We will look at some ways to reduce belly fat.

Causes of Belly Fat
Contrary to popular belief, people with a normal BMI but excess belly fat are at greater risk for the health problems mentioned above. There are several reasons excess belly fat can be accumulated:

Sugary foods and beverages:
Studies show a correlation between sugar intake and excess body fat. This is due to the added refined sugar during processing. Sugar-sweetened drinks are hazardous because of the added sugar.

An additional reason for sudden belly fat growth is alcohol. Studies have linked excessive alcohol consumption to an increase in belly weight. One study found that men who drank more than three daily drinks were 80% more likely to have extra body fat.

A sedentary lifestyle:
Activity levels play a significant role in the accumulation and retention of belly fat. Research has shown that those who exercised for at least one year after losing weight were likelier to avoid abdominal fat accumulation than those who didn't.

Cortisol is a hormone the adrenal glands produce during stressful situations. Cortisol, which causes excess calories stored in the stomach, is responsible for stress-induced overeating.

Genetics Like genes playing a significant role in obesity risk, genetics could also be responsible for the body's tendency to store excess fat around the abdomen.

5 Tips To Reduce Belly Fat
A well-planned routine is essential to losing belly fat. These are some tips to help reduce fat accumulation in the abdomen.

Get Enough Sleep
Sleep quality can impact many aspects of your health, including belly fat accumulation. It is well-known that those who do not get enough sleep tend to gain weight.
Sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in ghrelin and a decrease in leptin levels, which are responsible for you feeling hungry.
Sleep deprivation can cause metabolic and endocrine changes, as well as a decrease in glucose tolerance. Your brain's reward centers are activated when you feel exhausted and looking for something positive to do.
You may be able to control your comfort food cravings when you are well-rested. However, sleep deprivation can make it challenging to resist tempting foods. This can lead to hormonal imbalances and weight gain.
Getting at least 7 hours of sleep each night is essential to control one's weight gain. Quality of sleep is just as important as how long you stay asleep. Learn more about the link between poor sleep and weight gain.

Get Enough Water
Water consumption is positively related to weight loss. Water is a great way to help your body burn fat.
Water throughout the day can give you the feeling of fullness and help keep your appetite under control. Our bodies can mistake thirst for hunger sometimes, so it is a good idea to drink water throughout the day before you grab a snack.
Water is the best drink to quench your thirst. Juices and carbonated beverages contain sugar which can increase your calorie intake, so water is the best choice.
Warm water can be beneficial for cleansing your body and helping you lose weight.

Exercise regularly
It has been proven that daily exercise can help with weight management. This fact has been proven to be accurate, but there are many arguments about the intensity of your daily exercise regimen.
Your workouts should be proportional to your gender, age, and BMI.
Before you start high-intensity resistance training, it is a good idea to consult a personal trainer.

Track Your Calories
Any extra calories are stored as fat in the body. Tracking how many calories are consumed and burned each day. This will help prevent fat accumulation.
Calorie Deficit can be a great way of burning calories. A 500-calorie deficit can result in weight loss of up to 0.4 kg, or 1 lb per week. The healthifyme app has a calorie tracker that can do the same.

Never skip breakfast
Because breakfast gives you the energy to start your day, it is considered the most important meal. You can slow down your fat-burning ability by skipping breakfast.
You are also more likely to eat poorly during the day if you skip breakfast. A healthy breakfast throughout the day can help curb cravings and keep you full until the end of the day. Include natural foods like eggs, nuts, fruits, and oats to make your breakfast healthy and wholesome.

4 Exercises To Reduce Belly Fat
A vital component of any weight loss program is exercise. It is essential to focus on the abdominal area to reduce belly fat.

1 Vertical Leg Crunch

Place your legs straight up on the ground. Next, cross one knee over the other.
Breathe in, then lift your upper body towards the pelvis. Slowly exhale.
Do 12-16 crunches in 2 or 3 sets.

2 Exercise on a Bicycle

Place your hands on the mat or the floor, and place your hands behind your head or at your sides. This is the same way you would do crunches.
Elevate your legs from the ground and bend at the knees.
Keep the right knee as close to your chest as possible while the left leg is straight.
Place your right leg on the ground and lift the left leg towards your chest.
Alternately, bend your knees like you're riding a bike.

3 Crunches

Begin by lying flat on your back, with your knees bent. Next, place your feet on the floor.
Place your hands on the chest or behind your head. Inhale deeply.
Exhale as you lift your upper body off the ground. Inhale again when you are back on the ground, and exhale as soon as you return to it.
Start with ten sets of crunches if you're a beginner. Try to do two to three sets per day.

4 Birddog

To make a tabletop, place your weight on your hands and feet. Bend your knees to support your weight. To keep your spine straight, squeeze your core.
Raise your left arm and stretch your right leg to reach straight ahead.
You can hold for one count while you squeeze your core. Then, return to your original position.
Repeat the same movement with your left arm and right leg to complete one rep.
HealthifyMe Sr. Ashutosh, a Fitness Coach, will show you how to do these exercises to lose belly fat.

How to Lose Belly Fat

Have A Protein-Rich Diet

Protein is an essential macronutrient for weight loss. It reduces overeating, appetite, and cravings.
Eating protein-rich foods can help you lose weight faster. Following a restricted diet, protein can help build muscle mass and prevent loss.
Black beans, lentils, and cottage cheese are all common protein-rich foods.

Reduce your carbohydrate consumption.

Our fat storage hormones kick in when we eat high-carbohydrate foods.
High glucose levels are released from carbohydrate-rich foods like white bread, rice, and cakes and sugary foods like soft drinks, packed juices, and chocolates. The pancreas secretes insulin to remove this large amount of glucose from the bloodstream.
Insulin levels that are too high can lead to fat storage, especially around the abdomen. We must control our carb intake to regulate insulin levels.

Avoid Trans-fat

Any heated oil type (from a flame to an oven) changes its molecular formula. The hydrogen atoms in the oil are dispersed in heat and cause a double or triple of the bonds. Trans Fat is a term that can be seen in oil's color change from yellow to black or dark brown.
Trans-fat foods are any food items that have been prepared in Transformed fat. Consuming unregulated amounts of trans fat can increase blood cholesterol and the risk of developing heart disease.
It reduces the muscle cells' ability to use glucose as an energy source. These muscle cells can no longer use glucose, which remains in the bloodstream, dramatically increasing its levels. This causes insulin surges and increased fat storage in the abdomen.

Consume plenty of soluble fiber.

Soluble fiber forms a gel when it is mixed with water. This gel slows down food's passage through your digestive system. This type of fiber promotes weight loss because it makes you feel fuller and helps to prevent overeating.
It would help if you transitioned slowly to high-fiber diets to allow your body to adapt. If you increase your fiber intake too fast, side effects include abdominal discomfort, cramps, diarrhea, and diarrhea.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol consumption has devastating consequences. Alcohol consumption can lead to obesity. Consuming alcohol can lead to greater hunger and lower satiety, making it difficult to choose healthy food.
This also causes stress to the stomach and intestines. This causes a decrease in digestive secretions, which is vital for healthy digestion.
Consuming alcohol at any level can cause impaired digestion and poor absorption. This can significantly impact the metabolism of organs involved in weight management.

Have Green Tea

Green Tea is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that can help you burn fat, lose weight, and improve your health.
This healthy beverage has an Antioxidant Epigallocatechin Galate (EGCG), which increases metabolism. EGCG is a natural appetite suppressant that can help you lose weight.
Green Tea can also be a great source of caffeine. This stimulant has been proven to aid in burning calories and fat.
If you want to reap the benefits of green Tea, avoid adding sweeteners such as honey, milk, or cream. Green Tea's antioxidant properties may be enhanced if it is paired with exercise.
Green Tea can have side effects just like other beverages.

The Dangers Of Belly Fat Accumulation

Additional to the increased BMI, excess fat accumulation around the abdomen can pose potential health risks.

  • Heart disease
  • Sleep apnea
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Type 2 Diabetes and Insulin Resistance
  • High blood pressure
  • Belly fat cannot be reduced overnight. To lose belly fat, you need a long-term strategy. These tips will help you get closer to your fat loss goals. It is a good idea to consult an expert before losing weight.

    Thanks for the helpful tips .

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