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RE: Day Fourteen of my 24 Day Challenge

in #health7 years ago

I'm training someone currently. I just focus on healthy diet (and no bread), and body weight exercises.

So far his stomach has shrunken a little, but his man boobs are nearly all pecs! His posture has improved because I get him to do the plank for 3 to 4 minutes. He's like you, he says he's getting more energy.

I've noticed he is getting stronger, and can now do more reps, and do the exercises properly!

It'sgreat to see you changing your life for the better.👌

I did the same personally, and now I am showing other people how to do it!

Keep going and good luck!


It takes a lot of work to improve; while I note my imperfection here, I don't want to discourage anyone else!

Every LITTLE bit helps; at some point those little bits add up, and you get stronger and healthier!


Read up on testosterone rich diets, and testosterone super foods. Better yet, go onto YouTube and watch the videos.

You don't need to follow diets or plans.

Just exercise and more importantly, eat the proper foods. Meat, fat, and full cream dairy are all good.

Try to do daily exercise, but from my experience, it's 80% diet, 20% workouts. Don't over do it and stress your muscles. Build up your workouts gradually. Build muscle to burn fat!

I've been adding more avocado to my diet as it is a natural testosterone I like avacado LOL

But I think it will be exercise that is needed the most

I am already over the hill at age 48, but I don't think I need to put myself out to pasture yet

You're 2 years older than me.

I cut bread after getting diabetes and replaced it with eggs, beans, broccoli and onion omelette. My body transformed withing days. My beer gut (it was small) totally disappeared and I actually put on weight, bulking up on the chest and arms.

Eat brazil nuts and sultanas as well. All nuts are good, also pumpkin seeds.

We old farts cant let the young guys outperform us LOL

You need eat a testosterone rich diet. You'll be surprised by the results. Your hormone production is what keeps your body strong. Build your muscles with workouts of about 45 min daily, but more importantly, eat testosterone rich food.

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