Ireland Trying to Scare People into the Measles Vaccine

in #health6 years ago

If you think it's only the US that has the PHARMA MAFIA trying to scare the public into shooting themselves up with toxins, think again.

I've been reading that Australia is in on it now, so is Italy, and now Ireland.

The doctors and media are pushing their toxic measles vaccine so parents will shoot up their kids.

Not only that, read the comments below the article... Even if you had the measles shot, it doesn't mean you CAN'T get measles.

Also, if the child gets the measles and had the shot already, the doctors are trained to IGNORE that fact and say it's something else.

There is a growing amount of evidence to prove that most doctors are complete MORONS.

Once I started trusting myself and learning on my own, it was shocking to me how stupid and dangerous most of these conventional doctors are. They are puppets for the PHARMA MAFIA that funds a lot of the medical Universities.

I implore you to trust YOURSELF and no one else.

Start learning about your body, holistic health, and how your emotions and trauma (now and when you were a child) have a direct affect on your health.

Ireland Says Fake News is Spreading Measles


I can't support your article, I'm sorry... Smallpox, polio, measles and tetanus are no longer the rampant, population-destroying scourges they once were and that's thanks almost single-handedly to vaccination.

Come out of the dark ages and join us here in the future, m8...

I suggest you do some research & learn what's in today's vaccines & how they are harming & killing humans. That's both babies, adults & seniors.

No dark ages here, just plain common sense, being aware of what is going on, knowing the evilness of the PHARMA MAFIA, the corrupt gov't run by criminals, & me constantly learning.

If you care to learn, here is some information you can start with...

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