Evil Person, Mental Disorder or None of the Above?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health6 years ago
Backstory to what happened

Here is my comment below to someone's story of how her mother cut up and smashed a beautiful dress and braclet her daughter and friend had given her mother for Christmas. A few days after Christmas, she wrote a note thanking them for the items and left the destroyed items in their boxes for the daughter to see.

She doesn't believe her mother has a mental disorder, while many others commented that it's clear she does and that she (her daughter) is just in denial.

My Comment

Too many people label people’s EMOTIONAL issues as mental disorders, then they are excused for their part/role in their behavior.

Saying that though, EVERYONE has emotional issues. You have them, I have them, anyone who claims they DON’T have them is lying, either to themselves or to others.

So then the question is, on what scale does a person have emotional issues?

Are Mental Issues Really Something Else?

There are many people who have mental issues, BUT they may not even be mental, they could be:

  • The body is starving for nutrients which then affects the personality & brain of that person.

Since the majority of people eat FAKE FOOD laden with chemicals that work on destroying and controlling the “brain,” this is harmful to their ENTIRE body and personality.

Alcohol, cigarettes, being addicted to chemical drugs, and the list goes on. All of these things starve the body of nutrients and affect THE BRAIN.

Even overworking oneself, not getting fresh air and clean water is detrimental to the mind & body.

  • Brain tumors can even cause people to act in ways they never would have acted before. I believe tumors and all such things are caused by stress and unhappiness and there are holistic ways of getting rid of them as chemo and radiation is VERY VERY toxic to the entire body, cells, etc.

  • There are emotional traumas from childhood that have never been resolved and that continue to emotionally traumatize the person as they grow up and long into adulthood.

I have these issues, I’m sure you have them since that Christmas was a MAJOR trauma for you, and you’d be hard pressed to find someone who had NO traumas as children.

Mothers - the Most Important Role in Raising Children

People IGNORE this VERY crucial part of being born and how we are raised by our mothers and then other people like our father, grandparents, older siblings, etc.

But, the mothers are THE most important role model in our lives - at least initially.

If they damage us in ANY way (even pre-birth) physically, sexually or YES, EMOTIONALLY, we can grow up to have emotional issues and if it’s VERY bad, then mental issues.

Some can be triggered later on in life too (it’s re-traumatization), especially if that person buried the traumas and never consciously remembered them.

  • I’m a spiritually conscious person, so I believe in mental telepathy, speaking to spirits, etc.

There are MANY people who were, and still are, locked up in mental institutes for being ABLE to do these things that MOST people can do, but avoid doing because they are afraid of what other people will think.

And they are scared, rightfully so, BECAUSE it’s so easy to throw them into an insane asylum.

A few months back in the UK a woman was dragged from her home for telling her doctor that she KNOWS that the new 5G tower was causing all of her headaches and other health issues.

While she was getting excited and raising her voice which is STILL allowed in this world, the STUPID doctor argued with her that it was ALL in her head, then ran and told whomever, and got her locked in a ward.

Don’t think that can’t happen in the US too.

Note: many people who have power and money have thrown people in their family in these TERRIBLE places to stop them from getting their hands on the family fortune, the company, if they are part owner, etc.

These mental institutions are EVIL BEYOND evil (child & sex trafficking as well), which is probably another reason why society is sooo scared about admitting they have emotional issues.


My first thought was that your mother has bipolar.

I’m still on the fence about what causes bipolar. Since I don’t have it and I don’t know anyone who does, I haven’t done major research about healing it holistically.

Healing Holistically

I’m 100% holistic. I do NOT believe that toxic drugs solve ANYTHING, and in fact, they are soooo addictive and harmful to the body and mind, that they do almost nothing to help anyone EXCEPT the doctors who prescribe them (kickbacks) and the PHARMA MAFIA.

Ignoring the Root Cause and Hiding the Problem - Low IQ Solutions

Overall, our very dysfunctional mainstream society does NOT believe in healing and getting to the ROOT CAUSE of the issues that cause people to do harmful things to themselves or others. They don't even ACKNOWLEDGE that poverty is one cause for violence. Of course admitting that would mean society would have to take a serious look at the divide between the 99% and the 1% and who is REALLY runing the world and there's no way they can admit THAT to themselves.

Instead, they believe in locking people up in jails or the mental asylums to get rid of the problem.

Just like the homeless, out of sight, out of MIND!

If they didn’t have this archaic, closed minded, low IQ mindset, so much MORE could have been done by now for people who have anywhere from low emotional issues, all the way to the most major ones including major psychosis.

Where the Problem Starts

Unfortunately 80% of this ALL starts back in pre-birth upto the age of 6–8 years old.

If a baby and child is NOT taken care of, loved, held at the start of the baby’s distress, (meaning NOT waiting 30 minutes to 2 hours BEFORE picking up the baby), caressed, played with, talked to, etc. that baby WILL have emotional, physical and spiritual issues all the way into adulthood.

Also, for babies who are abandoned and just left alone, their brains will not form properly and they will grow up being violent. This is a FACT.

Solution to These Problems

It’s NOT about genes. That fallacy was debunked years ago. It’s ALL about nurture, or lack thereof.

Everything STARTS at pre-birth, and it really DOES take a village to raise a child, but society doesn’t care about childcare by allowing the mother to take off of work to raise the child. And so for this reason, so many of these issues in raising humans is passed down from generation to generation.

Even back when mothers did stay home, they were bored, no one was usually there to help them and there was no “village” mentality. The "village" mentality did exist during the "hunter-gatherer" period, but ever since the so called "modern" society came into existance, they eradicated ANYTHING that was holistic, all natural, loving, etc. and replaced it with constant stress, work, competition, "just me" attitude, greed, connection to ONLY material things, and division from the mother/village and the children.

You CAN’T fix the problem UNTIL the parents are taught how to raise babies properly, are given the support they need, and everyone in society cares about BOTH the parents & the children, NOT just the children.

Raised to Harm, Not Born That Way

Yes, there are people who are very negative all the way upto just being EVIL people, but I believe strongly that they become this way from their parents, teachers, religion, peers, society, etc.

There’s the tiny exception who are born this way (see my example above about babies being abandoned), but the majority are BORN healthy, happy, playful NON judgmental humans.

Hate, jealousy and pain are learned behaviors based on our experiences and what our parents teach us.

When people hurt us, our first reaction is to blame and NOT have any empathy for them.

I totally get this reaction, but I hope that overall, you can see the bigger picture and maybe understand that she does have emotional and mental issues.

Everyone is Responsible For Themselves

It is HER responsibility to get herself looked at. It’s no different than an alchie or druggie who has to ADMIT they have a problem, BUT we as a society all need to HELP them to get that help.


But We Are All Connected

And before anyone says that it’s none of their business as they aren’t family or friends with these people, I DISAGREE.

We are ALL connected both energetically and spiritually, and when we ignore what is going on out there, we are CONSENTING to it happening and perpetuating the cycle of pain and violence.

Just like people who stand around people who are beaten, raped or killed and do NOTHING including calling 911, they are just as responsible as the person committing the EVIL ACT.

HTH, Hugs and be well.

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All emotions are good so long as there is balance.

My path in life is to teach, and while I teach, I learn. If we aren't learning, we are really the walking DEAD.

I'm all about Truth, Freedom and the Laws of Nature. We as a people from ALL over the World need to support one another, learn how to love, banish Fear, build communities together, and learn the secrets the evil doers use so we can overcome THEM and be Strong.

Saying that, Understand that it ALL Starts with You and it requires ACTION!

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Have a Lovely Healthy Day and if you don't, that's okay too as it's okay to be sad, angry, frustrated, etc.!


Great Article! Well written!
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