in #health6 years ago (edited)


Ordinarily, we cough as a reflexive response to clogs in the throat. Basically, this action is meant to clear the canal of such clogging particles as mucus, dust or smoke. A cough of this nature is typically infrequent. When a cough become frequent than normal, one should seek help.

A cough is termed according to its duration.

  • Acute cough is the term for a cough that linger for less than three weeks.

  • A cough that exceed three weeks is a sub-acute cough. A sub-acute cough however, does not exceed eight weeks and is likely to improve by then.

  • Finally, A chronic cough is persistent beyond eight weeks.

When it develops into a condition of coughing up blood or a barking cough, it is advised to see a doctor.

So, what causes a cough?

There are several conditions to consider, of which are either permanent or temporary.

  • Respiratory tract infection is the most common cause of a cough. It may be a cold or a flu, consequent to the activities of a virus in the body. Treatment for this cause usually includes antibiotics.
    diagram of the respiratory tract
    diagram of the respiratory tract
  • Smokers are liable to meet an untimely end and a cough along the way. Smoking is a common cause of chronic cough but it is often referred to as "smoker's cough" as per the cause.
    The cough is triggered by residual chemicals left in the lung by the use of tobacco.

  • Young kids who have asthma are likely to experience a coughing episode often accompanied by wheezing. Wheezing is only peculiar to asthmatic patients, which is why such a cough is called "asthmatic cough".

  • Some medicines for heart conditions might cause a patient to cough, as a side effect. Zestric and Vasotec are two common medicine brand deserving a mention for such effect. The effect is meant to last until the medication is discontinued.

Damaged vocal cords, postnasal drip, pulmonary embolism and heart failure are inclusive condition result to a cough.

Thanks for reading. I hope you learnt something new.

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