Powerful Plant Allies ~Cold fighting Immunity Booster ~

in #health7 years ago



You know that feeling when you first notice you may be getting a cold? 

How many times have you wished for some magical remedy   

that could banish the cold from your reality before it even begins!?   

Ever tried Fire Cider?   

This ancient folk remedy brings the Magic of past wisdom into today's reality. 

As humans reach for more support from the Plant kingdom and Earth medicines,   

We reclaim the traditions of our ancestors through simple actions; 

Planting seeds, Harvesting and preparing wild foods and medicines, 

Creating our own salves, soaps, foods, tinctures, oils and syrups to Share with each other. 

Experiencing Plant Medicines first hand brings a Remembering 

An Awakening of whispered wisdom blowing 

A rustle in the grass as Instinctual Knowing moves through Us

There is a difference When we know:

Where the seed came from, 

Where the plant was grown,

What kind of soil and water nourished the growth, 

Who picked the tender leaves and carried them home, 

Who dug the roots carefully, dried, preserved the usable parts, 

Whose magical hands and beautyfull voices carried the plant 

through the Alchemical transformation from   

plant, flower, root, stem into   

Pure Healing Medicine 

How did it arrive in my hands?

If we ask ourselves these questions we will be better able to connect to the specific type of healing energy that plant medicine has to offer us in the moment.

My first fire cider was made in November 2017, under the Aries full moon 

I used all Organic plants, with herbs grown from small starters in my garden 

and everything else harvested from local neighbors and farmers markets.


A full bushel each of   




Catnip and   

Tulsi Holy Basil. 

3 Habaneros, 

5 unknown but VERY spicy peppers,  

large Horseradish root,   

medium burdock root,   

large Ginger root, 

10-12 Turmeric pieces,   

1 large Onion,   

2 full heads garlic 

(optional) extra turmeric, ginger, garlic powder 

 2-3L Apple Cider Vinegar 

A large Jar with tightly fitted lid 

Note: You can use any variation of pepper that appeals to you, 

feel free to add other herbs such as rosemary, dill, fennel, sage, cilantro, lemongrass, lemon balm, lavender, mint, etc.

Be free to follow your intuition and creativity as you create your own unique healing tonic.

Flowers, pomegranate, lemon, grapefruit and other citrus fruits make a great addition as well.


Chop the peppers, onions, garlic and root ingredients into small diced pieces.

Be careful when chopping your hot peppers, wear gloves and possibly a face mask!

Roughly chop the herbs (fresh or dried) 

Layer the jar with the roots and herbs

(I used an extra large jar so that I would have space to mix and shake the ingredients once filled with vinegar.)

Pour the apple cider vinegar over the plant mixture, 

make sure the vinegar completely covers the plant material.

If you'd like, use a piece of parchment paper under the lid to keep the mixture from touching the metal or plastic when you shake it.

Let the concoction sit for at least one month in a cool, dark place, pulling out often to shake and stir the fires.

To Share with others, pour the cider out of the jar through a fine meshed strainer, into a pour-able measuring cup.

Pour into your vessel of choice, I used 2oz and 4oz tincture bottles with droppers for easy administration.

Add a few drops of honey, coconut nectar or maple syrup to sweeten slightly and balance the spice.

Give to friends and family to keep everyone in your community healthy and fired up! 

This is my jar of fire cider after sitting for one month, 

I bottled the Aries moon cider and gave it as Christmas gifts to all my friends and family, along with other homemade goodies.


Next time you feel a cold coming on, remember your fire cider!
Take at least one dropper full immediately, and then repeat every 3-4 hours until symptoms are gone. 

If the tonic is too spicy on its own, simply add to a glass of juice, water or tea. 

Feel the immediate purifying benefits of the spicy herbal tonic moving over your tounge, down your throat, heating you up from within as it travels down into your belly, dispersing out into your system to provide antibacterial and antiviral immunity boosting protection.

You may feel sinuses and congestion clearing

You may feel brain fog melting away

You may feel your digestion moving, and toxins ready to be eliminated

You may feel the energy of passion, realization, connection flowing through you

You may feel...

A new Hope blossom within as We realize the power of the plant allies that is available to us All. 

    ~all art by Christ Belcourt http://christibelcourt.com/~

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