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RE: We Don't Vaccinate -- Could I Forgive Myself if my Child Became Injured or Died?

in #health8 years ago

I'm against any vaccination and I'm lucky that my kids are adults already. I think that today in 21 century and in so called free world parents should make a decision what is good for child not governments.


Absolutely, it should be a parents decision. Doctors and society should stop bullying and intimidating and shaming people into vaccinating against their will or without informed consent.

You do understand by registering children with the govt that you're giving up your right to govern that person if it goes against any legislation right?

will-zewe - are you talking about getting them a Social Security Number, or Social Insurance Number as we call them in Canada? My kids don't have those yet. They have birth certificates. They don't go to school, so no worries on that end for me. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not allow forced vaccinations. I know that they could try to ignore the constitution though and pretend that it is the law.

Social security or social insurance allows that person to do commerce in that jurisdiction, but the birth certificate is what registers and creates a person with the govt in the first place.

Also yeah I love me some charter of rights and freedoms. Security of the person, right to unlawful search and seizure all that good jazz. I always go back to the superseding legislation.

But all laws different right, there's basic rules for different types of law, but every contract is unique, fluid, and dynamic.

Oh and as for above with the cdc, yes if you have legislation and they're breaking it, by all means they can be held accountable. First the agent and then move on right up the chain, it's a military jurisdiction so take that shit to the superceeding officer and say they may be held liable if they do not remedy the situation in regards to how one of their agents has damaged you. If it's their laws by all means, hold them accountable.

You know that's based on fraud and incomplete disclosure so it isn't valid right?

There's no fraud about it, nothing is hidden. Is all legislation not 100% publically available? Convoluted as shit yes, but it's (in this case) majority trust law anyways, beneficiaries don't even have the right to full disclosure of the trust indenture.

They merely have the right to an arbitration system if it was written in. Or like it is, courts. Or as you can find some companies and sports companies write in arbitration clauses to avoid going to court for certain situations. As long as they do not go against legislation (and in reality as long as the dispute is never brought to a court for them to even know if it goes against legalization) they're basically free to self govern their own disputes and the govt has little to no jurisdiction in the matter provided like I said above, it is done in a legal manor.

There's my little idk what ever for the day, I gotta get back to making my videos. But I also wanna mention I do not vaccinate as well, so right there with you on those. Also I try not to talk about law to much, seems like one of those... Idk annoying topics to bring up, it's like politics lol, but I opened my big mouth and did try to explain it a little more in depth. I hope that helps.

I think aggroed might have meant that the CDC and forced vaccination laws (in California and Mississippi) are based on fraud and that everybody has a legal right to Informed Consent in medical procedures, which they are not being given currently for vaccines.

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