Alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is a term that refers to a condition in which a person suddenly experiences hair loss in one location for no apperent reason.
Causes hair loss :
Some of the most frequent factors,a part from the condition of the scalp and often change hair style,are as follows:
1.telegon effluvium
this state refers to a condition when the scalp is temporarily tninning due to change in the hair growth cycle.
people with a family history off hair loss have a higher risk of experiencing the same thing.
when the body does not have enough red blood cells,whose main task is to carry oxygen throughout the body,can cause different symptoms including hair loss,pale skin and weakness.
4.medical conditions,such as hypotyroidism and polycystic syndrome can cause hair loss.
Prevention of hair loss
Such as other health disorders,healthy life style and proper nutrition can prevent hair loss does not occur or get worse.
1.American society for dermatologic surgery
2.American academy off family physician.
Good head man...