How to chill the fuck out.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health8 years ago (edited)


There, I said it. I know that a lot of people cringe when they hear this word.

It´s hard, what is the point, i can´t sit still, it´s boring

is all i usually hear when i first suggest this to a dear friend.

So hear me out.

This post is inspired by an urge that i often have - to just touch a friends shoulders and tell them to breathe and relax a little.
I know this sounds esoteric and whatnot, but especially amongst coders, techies, startup people it is quite common to ignore stress, and to not give yourself a few minutes to reconnect with yourself.

So please, let me show you a very simple, non fussy, non eso way of giving yourself a mini break from your day, and start now.
If you have the time to browse steemit, you have the time to set aside 15 minutes for yourself.


This is @heiditravels and i meditating on the beach, being paparazzied by the wonderful

Let´s start.
Set your timer on your phone to 15 minutes. If you have one, a meditation bell app set for every 5 minutes is even better, but not necessary.
Sit in a cross-legged position and prop yourself up on a cushion or similar, so your hips are higher than your knees - this will help you straighten your spine. If that´s impossible for you, due to injuries or your environment, just sit on a chair, no worries.
Roll back your shoulders and keep your back straight. Close your eyes.

For the first 5 minutes, follow a simple

8-4-8-4 breathing rhythm

meaning: inhale for 8 counts, hold at the top for 4 counts, exhale for 8 counts, hold empty at the bottom for 4 counts. And then do this all over again for roughly 5 minutes or until you hear the first bell.
(this is called savitri pranayama, for those of you who are interested)
After that, breathe naturally, and by that i mean don´t force your breath. Focus on the tip of your nose and then just observe your breath. Follow it through your body, in and out. That´s it. That simple.
Thoughts will come up and you will follow them. As soon as you are aware of that, gently guide your focus back to your breath. This will get easier over time.
After 10 minutes of doing this, wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes, and slooooowly open your eyes. Welcome back to reality, hopefully a calmer one.

Over time, if you like, move on to 10 minutes of 8-4-8-4 and 20 minutes of meditation. Trust me, this is gold.
Do this every time you feel agitated or volatile. Enjoy.


I am having a super stressful day today so I think this came along at the perfect time for me :)

I'll try it in a bit when I can get away from everyone.

please let me know how it went!

I'll admit to being a skeptic, but there's something to be said about trying to achieve mental clarity. Really enjoyed it, especially when the pup decided to bury his treasure right next to us, raining down all the sand of North Beach ;)

oh jeez, yea.
That´s a good add-on - try to distract your pup if you want to meditate in peace. I think he was trying to provide us with some exfoliation!

I've been meditating using Burmese Vipassana methods and Tibetan Dzogchen methods for many years. I was warned by my teachersvp that meditation should not be used to feel better, it's a tool for enlightenment. Meditation for me is like gardening, lots of weeding and hard work, and so many pesky bugs, it does not feel good!

Clarity and equanimity are sideffects but will not last long if not grounded with other practices and teachings that go with meditation. I had a hard time, I'm American getting through the cultural wrappings that go along with the teachings but it was worth the effort. Sometimes I think it's getting older and I've been through the ups and downs of life so I don't sweat the small stuff and I know how to take care of myself and that has nothing to do with meditation, it's just knowing oneself, which I've read in philosophy books is the first step towards wisdom.

Thats so interesting. I haven´t used either of these methods yet, but am gonna do a 10-day vipassana in Jan.
I agree to a certain extent, however i think what you are describing is more for when you go deep into the whole meditation thingy.
It can be also a tool to calm your mind and just learning to be more present and pay attention to your body. It also really depends on where you come from. If you´re a person with a lot of issues that has trouble being alone or being scared to be alone with their thoughts, meditation can possibly be a bit painful - but even more of a reason to start practising.
If you´re doing 5 min pranayama and 10 min meditation each day, its gonna be hard to do deep work with it, but it will definitely help you be more aware of your thoughts, your mind and your body.
I might do a more extensive post on it in the future!

All of us have monsters, volcanos, and treasures buried deep in the dark corners of our heart. I know I wondered why I couldn't control certain aspects of my behavior, which caused me all sorts of troubles. I went to my towns library, this was before the internet and looked for books on how to let go of trauma that is how I found meditation and got into philosophical studies in Buddhism.

The breathing exercises are good for helping calm the mind and bring it to a pin point focus for certain kinds of meditation. One doesn't need meditation to focus on the breath for a few minutes and it'll take your heart rate down fast, cool one off quick but that takes practice too.

The mind can only focus on one thing at a time. What the problem is using the breath or any other thing to keep calm won't address the core of the problem which is conditioned reaction to sensation one likes or does not like. Dissolving conditioning is the hard part...hehehe.... I'm going to a vipassana retreat sometime in April, I need to reserve a spot now! I try and go once a year...back in my early 30s and 40s I did several retreats a year plus I served several retreats. I like SN Goenka's no frills retreats, they are free, but donations are asked at the end of the retreat and we focus on the Satipattana related to vedana, which is mind and body sensation and our conditioned reaction to sensation.

I used to write about this stuff all the time now I don't feel the need. But I'll post my adventures to the retreat this year. Weird things always happen when I plan to go to retreats...hahaha

Excellent post. Excellent advice. Excellent instruction.
I just heard, here in NYC they are considering adding meditation classes to grammar schools because kids are so stressed out... Pure Gold!

Thank you, that means a lot! And yes, that is indeed a wonderful idea. I read about something similar where they have kids meditate rather than ground them.

Grab a board ride that glassy wave and then you will relax :D

haha yes, unless this wonderfully glassy waves decides to put you in the washing machine!

That's a perfect place to meditate. Are you in Nazaré Nazaré/ Praia do Norte for the 2016 "big-wave party"??
I wish I could pass by, but guess I can go only on Christmas...

Which big wave party do you mean? Not sure if i know about this one... Maybe i don´t belong to the cool kids ;) Are you from Naza?

Sorry, I don't know any particular party! Just saying those big waves and surfers from all around the world make a party for it self :) Didn't want to create false expectations. I'm not from Nazaré, but from a small village close to Leiria. I spent my youth going to that beach, also for the was so cool! Now I'm living in Évora but I will go there for Christmas :)

Aah, alright =) I also wasn´t being too serious, it´s kinda hard to have a party here and not having everyone know about it ;) Praia do norte is such a special place. Let me know when you´re in Nazaré next, maybe i´ll be there as well!

Ok, I'll say! :)
Btw, good tips for meditation, that got my attention and after I got distracted with Nazare photos! Guess I need to start to give my brain a pause too!

well, you´re welcome to join us down at PDN anytime =)

Great, I love meditation and yoga!

Well said, and catchy title to the post...

CHILL THE FUCK OUT!!!! wow thx Heidi! funny I've actually been doing some meditation in my life for the past 5 years, especially with practicing breath holds... however sad to say i never quite understood the exact 8-4-8-4 breathing to actually relax better... just did it for 5min and feeling soo nice. Thx for all that u do!!! keep up the life tips

lol Adam, Heidis account is @heiditravels but don´t mind you following me neither :) See you in Nazare! Cheers

I use this when I feel particularly 'stressed out' - usually my by 2 teenage daughters!!! - Its keeping focus I have a problem with as my mind fills with everything suddenly...coming back to the middle an focus takes me a lot of effort, but I do feel better and calmer at the end
Namaste - as they say :)

this is completely normal, btw. But it gets easier as you get more used to the practice to both keep your focus and to direct your focus back on your breath. It´ll also be easier to reach a meditative state the more you practice. Way to go =)

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