This Changes Everything - Part IsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

Is the thyroid gland, located in the front of your neck, just a simple metabolism manager? Do you suffer from 

  • hyperthyroid
  • hyperthyroid
  • autoimmune issues
  • depression
  • low immunity
  • infertility
  • pcos
  • chronic fatigue

This is the short list. And according to Anthony Williams in his new book Thyroid Healing, it is time to re-think and ask new questions about the function of the thyroid gland in your body. 

So, what is your thyroid's true purpose? The author claims it is your second brain. Your body's data center. Even surgical removal of the gland will not cease it from doing its main job! He goes on to describe the thyroid gland as a human resource department that receives messages from every organ and gland - complaints and all. By doing so, it is able to record data on what is functioning well, and not so well and what is toxic, and not toxic. 

And it gets even MORE interesting.....

Your thyroid uses its memory of homeostasis (state of equilibrium among your various body systems) to send out radio-like frequencies that delegate tasks and responsibilities across your entire bodily system to keep everything in balance! 

"Your thyroid, which is self-powered and self-sufficient, uses its intelligence about your personal homeostasis to continuously re-create it for you, so that when one body system is overtaxed or compromised, another kicks in to compensate. As the thyroid delivers different frequencies to different parts of the body as needed, it can even provide energy to them- energy that is not yet weighted or measured by research and science."

How amazing is your thyroid gland? Much more than just numbers on a blood test indicating a higher or lower presence of the hormones it secretes. In fact, the least important task of the thyroid is its production of the hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). 

Stop. Right. There.

I realize the information goes against mainstream medical dogma. I certainly did not learn this information in nursing school, but I have a very open mind and I'm willing to look beyond the "norm" and step into the weird & wild realm of possibilities. 

Do you have any of the symptoms listed above? Well, according to the author, "a problematic thyroid is yet one more symptom.

That's right. A problem in the thyroid is actually a much larger issue. Are you wondering what larger issue? The author refers to it as the "thyroid virus". Sound unfamiliar? It is, or rather was, until now. 

What triggers the thyroid virus? Here are just a few examples from his list. 

  • heavy metals
  • mold
  • pesticides/herbicides/insecticides
  • prescription medication
  • vitamin B12 deficiency
  • zinc deficiency
  • emotional trauma (death in the family or broken heart)

So, what is the thyroid virus? The same one that causes mononucleosis: Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV). This particular virus is part of the herpes family. In his book, he describes the 4 stages of EBV and that an issue with the thyroid develops in the 3rd stage of its destructive progression. 

Are you intrigued yet? 

Stay tuned. There is much more to discuss and share with you from this book in another post. 

Anyone read this book or is it just me? What did you learn? Did the content presented help you heal?


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