So, what is homeopathy? What does it treat?

in #health7 years ago

I am a homeopath,

my name is dr. Neda Nazari and I consider it one of my missions, to introduce homeopathy.

Some people call it alternative medicine, others call it complementary medicine, if you ask me, I'd say:
It's the most gentle and sympathetic system to restore the health of a sick person.

The creator of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann, teaches us homeopaths that the ideal cure is:
' Rapid, Gentle and Permanent restoration of the health and the total removal of the disease '

Now, of course we are all very different, and as unique as we are, each individual's journey towards his/her ideal state of health is going to be unique as well. And homeopathy appreciates that.
So let's get more specific,

what does homeopathy treat?

Honestly. Every affliction that happens to any system in our body could be addressed by homeopathy.
Simply because everything in our body is related to each other. We DON'T have isolated systems. They are all functioning as one unit.
When the harmony between these systems, or call it balance, is lost, then we start having different manifestations of that imbalance.
Now, how the body chooses to show us that, is again very unique.
For example, the problem might be : Indigestion. But the manifestion of that could be, headache for one person, bloating for another, gall-sones for a third person, lack of energy for the fourth and I could go on and on.
But the uniqueness doesn't end here, the best part is coming 👌
Let's take headache as the main symptom. In 20 patients with headache, it could happen that, no 2 people will receive the same remedy recommendation. Why? Because for a hemoepath, it's not just the pain in your head that is important, it's everything you feel about that headache and about everything else in your life that would lead to a homeopathic remedy.
And that's why,
A homeopathic consultation is all about finding out how unique you are with all your sufferings.
And when all your symptoms are collected, the homeopath might still look for something peculiar, or maybe call it interesting! Something that you may never have thought of mentioning to anybody before, thinking that it's not important.
For example: headache after ironing. Or headache from the sound of falling waters. Or headache from the smell of coffee, or the relief of pain in your head after passing urine!
Each one of these unique symptoms would lead to a particular homeopathic remedy. Plus of course, taking into consideration everything else you've already mentioned.
Isn't that totally, entirely and absolutely interesting?? Well,
it is very much so for me 😊
In my next post, I'll write about homeopathic remedies.
Thanks for reading this.


What a great article...well explained and clear! Xx

Thank you Catherine.

Wonderful Dr. Neda <3
Glad you've taken on this job.
Very useful. xx

Never without you ❤️

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