My Solutions for Muscular-Skeletal Injuries + Fundraiser for @handsolo

in #health7 years ago (edited)


Yesterday I saw a post by @handsolo about his tendonitis. Against all odds he has achieved amazing things with his one arm from building beautiful furniture to windsurfing. Tendonitis for him is much more serious than for most of us since he has to rely on his one arm for everything.

All rewards for this post will be sent to @handsolo to assist him in his recovery so consider upvoting at 100%

I don’t know if my experiences can offer some help, but I’m inspired to try by sharing some of the ways I’ve healed arm, hand and shoulder injuries. If you read nothing else here, the recipe for pain relief and inflammation reduction is golden.

I am not a doctor nor profess to be able to offer proven solutions for others, but I do have 30 years of spending my days engaging my fine motor skills to grip, hold and do a variety of repetitive movements. Injuries seem to be typical amongst ceramic artists and given that I work a lot it can be a challenge to remain mobile and pain-free.

Usually my injuries are a confluence of several factors having to do with stress, lack of sleep, overwork and overuse of the area so I have installed in my daily life long-term preventative measures like yoga and frequent breaks/varying activities as much as possible. These have made a huge difference in keeping the wolf at the door so to speak.

But then there are times when the pain and injury are acute. When this is the case the first thing I take into consideration is that muscles, ligaments and tendons need a full 30 days without re-injury to get through the most critical stage of healing. I do whatever is necessary not to re-injure the area during this window of time. Like you @handsolo I’ve had this happen during busy times and it can be very hard to rest but do my best to make jigs, find other ways to do things and most importantly to get help. There have been times when I couldn’t even dress myself or wash my hair and have had to rely on others to help me. Thankfully people can be really amazing sometimes! The alternative is an injury that never goes away and costs me more time in missed work in the long run.

Solutions and treatments that have helped me when an injury is acute:
- acupuncture can work wonders
- chinese herbs (if you have access to a good Chinese Dr)
- cranial-sacral therapy but ONLY IF YOU have a very good practitioner. If you aren’t sure about the quality of the practitioner or they are new to the practice, DO NOT let them do any work on your head at all!! I can’t stress this enough.
- physical therapy has helped to teach me what needed strengthening and better ways to use my body.
- Advil or the like short-term can be ok, but my cranial sacral therapist gave me an alternative formula that worked absolute wonders for lowering inflammation and pain relief. Everyone I’ve shared it with says the same.

    take 3X a day away from food, in between meals:
    - 2-3 capsules or about 1000mg turmeric powder (curcumin) I bought it in bulk           and made my own.
    - 1 capsule Bromelian  500mg
    - 1-2 capsules Vitamin C 500mg
I recommend starting with 2-1-1 and increasing to 3-1-2 after a week or so. 

My physical struggles have included reoccurring rotator cuff pain in both shoulders and upper arms that were once debilitating injuries, joint pain in both hands, thumb and finger pain from gripping and miscellaneous hand, wrist, and arm issues. I also have a Lumbar 5 herniated disc from a roller skating accident as a teen. Surgery has been recommended more than once but I’m pleased to say that as long as I do a rotation of yoga routines everyday, stretching and the occasional help of one of the above practitioners, my body is in great condition most days with little to no pain or problems.

As you may know from previous posts, recently I’ve become a student of Qi Gong and this has been the final piece of the puzzle in injury management. Shaking Qi Gong is a simple and powerful tool to activate and unblock the bodies own healing capabilities. This most simple Qi Gong movement done every day has literally removed any residual injury issues in only 6 weeks. Even if I’m sore or in a bit of pain, this exercise takes care of it. I don’t know if this is typical but I’ve been astounded by how much mobility and agility all of my previously sensitive areas have now.

Below is a short video to show you the most basic of Qi Gong practices called “Shaking Medicine”. It is said to be the “cure-all” but you can decide for yourself. What I provide here is only the most elementary way to use this. There are far more advanced visualizations, information and ways of using Shaking Medicine, but this little intro is an entry point. And remember that the benefits of Qi Gong depend more on consistency than on length of practice.

@handsolo, good luck with your tendonitis and keep us posted on your progress.



Such a generous heart! You are not only helping @handsolo but also imparting helpful tips to those experiencing similar issues. Thank you!

Thanks so much for saying so :-)), you made my night!

This will be my first resteem. Repetitive strain injuries, most especially Tendonitis can be absolutely debilitating . shaking qigong was one of the great exercises i learned while in china. The only caveat i would add about the use of it is in the early stages of using it , especially if its your first Qigong practice. Expect that you may feel worse after doing it the first few times. Find either a practitioner or video of a good Dao yin tradition. Below are some suggestion for further study:

  1. Mantak Chia has some good material on self massage that can be found on youtube. i would use caution regarding many of his other practices.

  2. for indepth lectures on dao yin and Chinese medicine via a man who lived in china from 1985 on wards. Andrew nugent-head has a series called Daoyin & Chinese Medicine: The Demystifying Qi Seminar Part 01 and another called Louhan patting qigong on his traditional studies youtube channel.

searching for Daoyin self massage and self healing for tendonitis may also yield helpful results.

The main problem regarding using Chinese medicine to help with this problem stems from underlying causes that a traditionally clinical practitioner of TCM may not be trained to recognise, thus at best you may get only temporary relief of symptoms rather than total recovery. some of these factors are related to working and living environment and sunlight intake, EMF pollution and potential diagnosed sensitivity as well as other inflammation disorders that can exacerbate these sort of inflammatory conditions. The work of Dr jack Kruse on his blog and facebook page (prolific and deep as it may be to go through may provide some information and perspectives for you).

For me and my re-occurring tendonitis a combination of diet, movement therapy and self massage techniques will usually control flare ups. however. we are all different in the variation of our pathologies and bio-chemical requirements. so what works for me or Ruth may not help much for you @handsolo. Good luck with seeking some relief from the tendonitis.


thanks for the resteem and thoughtful thorough commenting! Interesting to hear that some can feel worse with shaking before they feel better, I felt SO much better immediately but that just proves what we all know which is that we are all so different.

You are most welcome!. My first 3 experiences wit shaking gong, I felt like utter dirt. I was far more painful and i ached and felt physically ill. I was in good physical condition too at that time or so i thought. it took about 4 days to get over with the help of massage and herbs. the next week while doing the gong as part of the routine i was learning i felt great from it. it is indeed amazing the stark differences between people. makes the journey exciting and interesting though!. i hope that @handsolo gets some relief along the way and can live with the pain of tendonitis.

out of curiosity, how long were you shaking for in those first 3 sessions that felt like dirt? I'm going to start asking more people in my class about their experiences as well so I can get a better picture.

That a good idea! i would be curious about the data on that. the first few sessions with master Wangguan where 30 minutes shaking sessions.

thanks and I"ll let you know after class next week

Great article! The body is a very delicate thing, especially with injuries. It's very important to slowly nurse the injuries and not start anything too quickly. Too often we are eager to get up and go immediately when we start, when in reality, we need to slowly integrate our normal routine until the injury fully heals. The same applies to arthritis as well!

yes so true, rest is always always the best medicine!! hopefully if we can raise enough $ for him, @handsolo can rest more and take time off working than otherwise but full rest not really an option for @handsolo given that his one arm has to do everything! Thanks for your comment!

Awesome thing that your doing! And thanks for the video, I have never heard of Qi Gong before. And I'm going to run over and upvote what posts I can of @handsolo ! You are appreciated and take it easy!

@natureofbeing I am deeply touched and a little lost for words. Thank you

I'll be sure to let you know how I'm doing.

Just about to try Qi shaking

P.S. wasn't sure if I should upvote and resteem but I did anyway :P

yes you should, absolutely!

also, try that recipe....that really is so helpful with the pain and turmeric is pretty amazing for healing

Yes indeed! I am looking for the ingredients here, a bit tricky but I think I will find them. We're just getting into a tropical storm here just now, quite exciting, so it looks like hitting town will have to wait a day or two.

I tried the Qi Shaking and it feels great!! I can't believe it really, I felt immediately invigorated so as of now it is part of my morning routine. Thank you so very much for taking the time to help me, it really means a lot x

GREAT NEWS! so so glad to hear it :-)). If you're unable to get the ingredients, let me know which you need and I can mail you the ingredients, my email is [email protected] and you can send your address and such.

Thank you my friend :D

Have a wonderful day

wow it sounds like you've had your fair share of injuries! I know what rotator cuff recover can be like. It took me 9 moths for the pain to go away. Thanks for the post

Yes those rotator cuffs are so painful and seem to linger on and on....
Thanks for reading and commenting!

I realy like your healt post as it will certainly help many of us or family members with such issues daily...and bless you for helping out someone else with the rewards from this post...I wish you more success and bless you.Upvoted

Full support from me! Best of luck on the recovery @handsolo

Thank you for sharing this!

Very nice post @natureofbeing and very cool to help raising funds for @handsolo. I know Tim for many years already, we lived in the same beach village El Yaque, Venezuela and he introduced my wife @yurodidit and myself to Steemit. I saw Tim doing things with only one arm, what people with two could never acomplish . A real fighter and believe me that it's not easy to survive in Venezuela at this time. Hats off.

great to meet a friend of Tim's! Yes, he really does seem to have a love of life that keeps him achieving the incredible. I'll take a look at your blog too!

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