Varicose veins and their natural treatments.

in #health6 years ago

Dear community of @steemit when talking about health, I think it is interesting to mention something that commonly affects women, it is the "varicose veins" or "varicose veins", its appearance is due to venous dilatations that make it difficult to return blood to the heart, and that affect mostly the lower limbs, that is when venous valves do not close well and dilate accumulating blood.


The presence of varicose veins is frequent in one in five women, incidence four times higher than that of men. Its symptoms are variable: there are asymptomatic patients who are only concerned about aesthetic problems; others who have tiredness, heaviness, muscle cramps, itching, leg edema and increased temperature.

Women always ask why varicose veins appear, medical studies indicate that varicose veins are related to a hereditary factor, and other factors such as obesity, contraceptives, sedentary lifestyle, prolonged exposure to heat and being a long time standing or sitting.

Obesity favors the appearance of varicose veins, because the thick structures of the legs demand greater blood supply from the arteries, causing an overload on the venous valves and their early failure to drain the veins.
Being sedentary and standing, leads to blood stagnation and a valvular overload that leads to varicose veins, if you intend to avoid them you must have the muscles of the legs moving to make the blood flow, and return preventing work against gravity.

Women who use contraceptives are also exposed to the appearance of varicose veins, which cause fluid retention and failure of the valves of the reticular veins.

Although there are guidelines to reduce the factors that cause varicose veins especially those that improve circulation there are also some natural alternatives to treat them.

Natural treatments for varicose veins:



Its properties are ideal to combat varicose veins, because it helps to reduce varicose veins and improve circulation. It is recommended to prepare an ointment with grains of garlic and alcohol and apply it on the affected area during the week at least four times. It is also recommended to chop six grains of garlic, mix olive oil and lemon juice, after 12 hours apply to the affected area with varicose veins.


In addition to consuming the avocado, it is recommended to apply a mixture of avocado with rosehip oil by means of circular massages, leave it for about fifteen minutes and rinse.

Infusion of mint leaves, chamomile and laurel:

Relying on its desinflatorias and analgesic properties is recommended to prepare an infusion with mint leaves, chamomile and laurel in two liters of water, with a pinch of sodium bicarbonate, then repose apply it in affected area little by little.

Aloe Vera:

It is effective for varicose veins, so it is recommended to prepare compresses in the affected areas with aloe and bandage it until the next day.

Almond oils and cod liver oil:

They are very good for reducing varicose veins and facilitating good circulation. Therefore it is recommended to mix two tablespoons of almond oil and cod liver oil, and place it in the affected area with gentle massages, leaving it to act at least an hour before rinsing.

Apple Vinegar:

It is very effective against varicose veins because it tones and relaxes the muscles, helping to prevent or eliminate spider veins. It is recommended to apply directly the apple cider vinegar on the legs, letting it rest for three hours and then rinse with warm water.

Vinegar, carrot and aloe vera:

To prepare the ointment, place a little aloe, apple vinegar and carrot vinegar in a blender, until you see it get a thick mixture, apply to varicose veins, leave for thirty minutes and rinse with cold water.


It has properties that help to decongest the veins and improve blood circulation, and it is recommended to eat small amounts of garlic, ginger and cayenne pepper, chili and spicy pimento

Chestnut bark tea:

It is perfect for good circulation and inflammation of varicose veins. It is recommended to boil 50 grams of chestnut bark for 10 minutes, sweeten and take it.

Green clay ointment:

You should prepare a paste of green clay mixed with a little water and apply on the affected areas, allowing it to dry and then remove it with warm water.

I hope this information serves to prevent training and how to treat it in each of suffer.


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Great post. I have seen many women suffering from varicose veins. These treatment will be of great help to them.
It is good all the ingredient are readily available.

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