Gynecological infection.

in #health6 years ago

My dear Steemit community today I want to share with you. important information for women's health, since it affects us in the normal development of our lives.

For every woman gynecological infections are very frequent, in all its phases before and after initiating sexual activity. The genital system is sensitive to infections because it can be invaded by different microorganisms (bacteria, viruses and fungi) that can affect a segment or ascend to other sections of the device generating various types of infection depending on the area where they are located.


The microorganisms or germs that produce the infection may be in the woman's body or come from outside, such as certain parasites or viruses.

The germs that frequently cause vaginal infections are the following:

• Coconuts and bacilli: this philococcus, streptococcus, gonococcus, and diphtheria and tuberculous bacilli.

• The virus of venereal infogranulomatosis.

• The treponema of syphilis.

• The various microscopic fungi and parasites such as trichomonas vaginalis.

The colonization of these agents is facilitated by a state of lower organic resistance due to a disease, the lack or shortage of follicular hormone, the imminence of the rule, the lacerations of childbirth, and septic deliveries, puerperal state, impure sexual contacts, clandestine abortions and other causes.

The genital infection produces inflammation, pain, and enlargement of the affected sections, in addition it can produce fever, malaise, inappetence, and even nausea, vomiting and intestinal paralysis when the infection is very acute or reaches the peritoneum.

Regardless of the causes of vaginal infection should be taken to identify symptoms, first is the presence of vaginal discharge abundant whitish and foul odor, and itching or burning and redness in the intimate region.

If the infection is located on the vulva, it is called vulvitis: if the vagina is called vaginitis; if it occurs in the cervix it is called cervicitis; and if it occurs in the upper genital tract and adjacent structures such as the uterus, pelvic cell tissue, parametria, peritoneum and pelvic vessels, it is called pelvic inflammation.


The vulva is formed by the folds of the soft skin located around the opening of the vagina and the urethra, that is why the inflammation of this external organ is called vulvitis.

The vulva can become irritated and inflamed as a result of infections, wounds or allergies, the symptoms are mainly swelling of the labia and a lot of itching.


It is when the vagina becomes irritated or inflamed, mainly in the walls. It occurs when the normal chemical balance in the vagina is altered or there is a reaction to irritant products, that is, it is caused by bacteria, detergents or lack of hygiene in the couple.


It consists of inflammation in the cervix or cervix, often confused with vaginitis. Within the symptoms is purulent flow, back pain, pelvic pain and urinary problems. The inflammation of the cervix gives rise to its redness and to a leucorrhoea or flow that can be purulent and even so abundant that it needs compresses to absorb it in the external genitalia.

Keep in mind that normally, the inside of the neck of the womb is closed by the cervical mucous plug, but when the various births have widened or torn the entrance orifice preventing hermetic closure, or when particularly virulent microbes such as the gonococcus installed inside, inflammatory phenomena easily occur.

This type of infection can be caused by gonorrhea, chlamydia or herpes.

Keep in mind that the treatment of these processes is very important, because the infection tends to ascend infecting the tubes and ovaries, with its courtship of pain, fever, and possible secondary sterility.

Therefore it is recommended to go to the doctor to receive the appropriate treatment.

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): 

This disease is caused by bacteria present in sexually transmitted disease, such as chlamydia or gonorrhea. It can affect the uterus, the fallopian tubes and / or the ovaries.

The symptoms of pelvic inflammation are characterized by pelvic pain and tenderness in the lower abdomen, nausea and vomiting, fever, chills, foul-smelling vaginal discharge.

Consideration should be given to the importance of it being treated immediately, because it can become chronic infection, and inflammation of the abdominal walls and the bacteria causing these sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can proliferate and invade the reproductive tract, causing infection in the internal organs.

Pruritus pain:

Pain of genital origin is very frequent in women, although only the lower third of the vagina and the vulva have conscious sensitivity. The other areas of the genital apparatus also cause pain, but this is reflex, projecting in areas that do not correspond to the affected organs, such as ovarian pain and kidney pain.

Pruritus pain is usually caused by inflammation of the genital organs or neighboring organs, congestion and compression, rupture of the tubes, twisting of cysts, or other causes.

The pruritus pain symptom has varied manifestations, being able to be lancinating, pungent, compressive, torsionante, as of heaviness, in the form of itching and others.

If the pain coincides with a menstrual delay and is like a stab wound, accompanied by fading and loss of black blood, we must think about the rupture of the tube and internal hemorrhage due to an extrauterine pregnancy; process that is very serious and that requires hospitalization and immediate operation.

If the pain coincides with an ovarian cyst, it is likely to be the torsion of the pedicle of the cyst, which also requires immediate surgical intervention. Other acute pains may be due to hepatic or nephritic colic, or gastric, intestinal, appendicular or vesicular perforations, to pancreatitis, to heart attacks, to pelviperitonitis and to other causes.

The hormonal oscillation or that is submitted to the woman's organism causes periodic congestions of the genital tract, which include those of the breasts. In addition, unfulfilled erotic congestions, psychic influences, anotomic and functional alterations and others intervene. It coincides with heaviness-type pains and abundant and painful rules that make it difficult to stand and have sex.

Itching or vulvar itching:

It consists of an extraordinary itching that affects the extreme genitals and that leads the woman to scratch or pinch herself at times desperately. it is caused by lack of cleanliness, by the presence of an infectious or irritant flow, by the use of inadequate dressings, or of inconvenient irrigations, by a leucuplasia, by the craurosis by a tumor of the vulva, by parasites, by affections of skin of toxic type and diabetes. In the essential call, or without cause, this is due, no doubt, to the special psychology of women and the ovarian atrophy that accompanies it.


It is very important for women to be aware that we should give them the attention they deserve to suffer from a vaginal infection, which can begin even with urine infection, take care of our health, and provide for life.

Contribución de @nashilda17.

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