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RE: Applied Ethics: Universal Health Care

in #health7 years ago (edited)

I would also argue that it is not simply (solely) a worldview, especially in the technical sense of the word. But that is not the only sense of the word:

You must remember that WE (you and I) are not IN a philosophy classroom - the whole world is our stage and we (one could logically assume) are trying to impact IT, not just academics/children.

I think if we were to, as precisely as possible/practicable, define it, we would not be TOO far off - with the exception/understanding that our INTERNAL understanding will always be colored by our philosophies (whoopsie, I meant to say "by our perspective/worldview/goals/culture/etc" :-).

BUT, even IF one is attempting to philosophize in technical sense I DO argue that it will be ALWAYS, necessarily be colored by their "philosophy of life" (or worldview if you prefer).

Humans IMO, have no choice. As objective as we TRY (if we even recognize and attempt it which is a horse of a 'nuther color) to be, our perceptions are always subjective - bent, feld, spindled and mutilated - by our . . . circumstances.


Fine, as long as we apply that standard to ANY human endeavor, including 2+2=4. Which is exactly what the first "philosophers" were pointing out. And "philosophy of life" is perhaps the single worst sense of philosophy possible; just saying. Though that is coming from a person that has actually read the early philosophers in their original language, before all things became subjective.

And as I tell my students, when dealing with philosophical terms, throw those stupid dictionaries out the window; they are worthless.

Apply the standard of "perspective always colors human perception of truth"?

Sure we do - doesn't (necessarily) mean 2+2 .ne. 4 however. The truth IS whatever is true, regardless of what we perceive.

Re: in their original language - oh boy, do I envy you. At this stage of the game, I simply begrudge the time it would take. AND, I am not at ALL sure it is necessary to know EVERY argument ever made by every philosopher in order to glean some good even from the thoughts of the lowliest of plebes that are actually living life.

Re: dictionaries - Unfortunately, we plebe's just gots to plow with the horses we got :-)

Platonic IDEAL may "exist", but that does not mean we will EVER be able to apprehend it. BUT my friend, the fun is all in the chasing (and occasional small findings) isn't it?

There are solid philosophy dictionaries, even on line. Just takes a bit of looking. Don't blame the "plebes", blame what "makes" them plebes!

I would LOVE to read YOUR interpretation of the consummation of philosophy to this point, have you written it yet?

lol, it's a work in progress . . .

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