What's in your cart?

in #health7 years ago

Leaving Sam's club this morning my husband and I realized the whole cart consisted of protein, veggies/fruit and water. I had to take a picture. This what I love about our relationship. We are both people of habit and this is what our cart looks like almost every week. We then go to a non warehouse grocery store for some items we don't need as much of but it's all still pretty healthy.

What is your habit that you Love? Is it a healthy habit? Or a habit that makes you feel good? If not, start a new habit today. Put reminders on your phone or leave reminders around your home or work. It takes 2 consistent weeks to create a habit. What is yours gong to be?



I would like to have more healthy habits. We buy our groceries online and I actually thinks it helps us make better choices as well as manage the budget better. Both my husband and I get easily distracted at the store (even with a list in hand, and we always have a list). I need to really get back into the habit of eliminating processed sugar from my diet as it effects me significantly. Thank you for the reminder to get back into a good habit :-)

That's awesome! We keep talking about ordering online and were close to ordering Sam's Club items through their app, but it wasn't fully functioning when we initially tried it and it didn't have everything we needed. What company do you use?

Amazon Fresh works really well for us. I haven't tried any others. So far the quality has been great of course they purchased Whole Foods so there's a lot of their products. Sometimes can find good sales especially on meat but I have to really hunt for it and grab it quickly. I think your Sam's is probably better for meat as you probably get a better price.

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