Managing stress key in handling mental health problems.

in #health6 years ago

We all at one point have gone through a point where people around us were demanding a lot from us than what we could offer. This can best be described as stress, a condition which comes at different levels depending on the size of issues disturbing one. These involve academic-related stress where a student fails to perform at school despite reading hard, family-related stress where a parent fails to meet all the needs of the children, work-related stress where an employee fails to perform to the standards of his employer and many more.


Stress when it's not managed early is harmful to our health especially our mental well being. When our mind keeps overloading with stress it starts affecting our moods which tend to be agressive to people around us. With time, one starts avoiding people close to him, isolating himself. And at this stage he is likely to start having suicidal thoughts. Suicide as you may realise is one of the major causes of death and it's majorly caused by stress.


These side effects of stress are preventable and are best handled early. Communication is key here as people can offer to help when they realise what is disturbing you than when they are not aware about the problems your facing. This alone also relieves you of the pain you endure of hiding something from the public making your mind flexible with a variety of things around you other than focusing on one issue. Exercising whenever a lot is on your head can also really help as your body gets pumped up with energy thus depleting the stress hormones.

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