How spleen performs important role in our lymphatic system? Is it possible to live normal life without spleen?

in #health6 years ago

Our lymphatic system consists of tissues and lymphatic vessels which help our body to get rid of toxic and waste materials. This system transports lymph, which is fluid that contains white blood cells, which fight with infections throughout the body. Our lymphatic system consists mainly of spleen, thymus and tonsils.

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Where is spleen located?

Spleen is the largest lymphatic organ which is located between 9th and 11th ribs on the left side of the body. It is very important organ because it keeps balance of body fluids. But we can also live without spleen.

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Spleen is purple in color and is made up of two types of soft tissues. Red pulp tissues help the body to get rid of damaged blood cells and white pulp tissues help our immunity system to fight with infections. The weight of average spleen is around 200 grams. The size of adult spleen is 1 x 3 x 5.

What are the functions of spleen?

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The spleen has very important function in our body. It acts like filter of the blood and it controls the quantity of blood storage and red blood cells. When there is dangerous activity in our blood like virus, bacteria or any intruder enters in blood stream, spleen produces white blood cells which defend the body against these intruders. It also produces antibodies which kill the microbes and prevent the infection to spread.

Blood flows through spleen and red blood cells pass through its narrow channels. Out of these blood cells, healthy one pass through easily while the damaged cells are engulfed by white blood cells present in spleen. Useful components are saved and returned to the blood stream. The spleen can expand according to needs of the body. It can store up to one cup of blood.

Is it possible to live without spleen?

Spleen is no doubt useful organ of our body but it is not vital organ. Spleen is sometimes removed due to transplantation and surgery of other organs. Once the spleen is removed, other body parts like liver and lymph take position of spleen and perform most of its function.

But without spleen, most of the people become vulnerable to infections. These people need extra precautions like vaccination and oral antibiotics. It is still common to live without spleen and many people are enjoying normal life.


very useful info!
a spleen seems to be so invisible and not essential, but nature is wise, and our body is a unique mechanism, where any detail has its important role!

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