Excessive sugar can cause serious damage to the heart...

in #health6 years ago

In fact, sugar has been harmed in the same way after entering the body. So the condition of the heart becomes worse when blood sugar levels increase.

All the delicious things from the tea cup, the free flow of sugar in everything. Because sugar only does not increase taste, it also plays a special role in sweetening. But this food is not healthy at all. And the fact that this information is absolutely correct has been proven in many studies. According to the report released recently by the American Heart Association, along with amica, the trend of eating daily sugar in almost the whole world has increased. As an average, most of the people worldwide consumed almost 22 spoons of sugar every day, much above the dangers.

In fact, due to eating too much sugar, there is a serious harm to the body. Let's know what the harm-
The performance of each organs in the body decreases- Several studies have found that sugar enters the body and becomes transformed into Fructose, which begins to accumulate fat in the liver. In addition, the amount of fat increases in blood. As a result, the risk of fatty liver infection can be severely increased at one point. Along with that the performance of the liver began to decrease. So it is not enough sugar to drink mixed drinks. In addition to reduce the amount of sugar in cooking. If not, but the danger of unemployment.
Increased risk of diabetes - According to a recent research paper, increasing the level of sugar intake increases, the risk of developing diabetes increases. Because sugar has added sugar to the body after a lot of sugar increases. And if this happens, there is no doubt about the potential for type 2 diabetes to develop. Once more, if diabetes comes to the body, then almost every single Vital organ is beginning to become inefficient. So you decide, if you want to make life miserable by eating sugar.
Heart damage to the heart- once thought, someone on the heart beat the hammer loudly. How heart will be in such a situation! Suddenly why are you thinking so? In fact, sugar has been harmed in the same way after entering the body. So the condition of the heart becomes worse when blood sugar levels increase. Due to the increased risk of various cardiovascular diseases due to the increase. In fact, according to the report published by the American Diabetes Association, if someone gets diabetic once due to excessive sugar intake, the heart's performance is reduced, with the probability of stroke and heart failure also increase by about 65 percent. So do not eat more than 6 spoons of sugar a day.
Lobbying tendency continues to grow - even though it is astonishing to hear, it is absolutely true that when playing high sugar, blood pressure starts to increase. In fact, if sugar levels rise inside the body, insulin production also increases, due to which the wall of the wall starts to form. This is why blood pressure continues to increase. In addition to this, fear of getting infected with horrific diseases such as stroke increases.
Increased levels of bad cholesterol in the blood of the blood - According to the report published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, natural increase in body weight increases if you increase the level of sugar intake. In addition, the levels of triangle tolerance also exceed the danger level. Not only that, the levels of beneficial cholesterol start to decrease. As a result, there is a severe pressure on the heart. Now understand, how harmful the sugar is to our body.
Laughing started to decrease energy- it is true that after eating sugar or any of those foods, fatigue is eliminated. But it also ticked that after some time when the sugar rash began, the deficiency of energy at such a level shows that the body does not want to move at all. Not only that, increasing the level of sugar intake increases the quality of the steroid hormone in the brain, which is why sleep is coming. As a result, the desire to work goes away.
If there is a risk of mental retardation - about 9000 people, a study conducted by the Public Health Journal showed that after an extended period, the chance of depression being increased by almost 80 percent. But where is the relation of mental retardation with eating sugar? Multiple studies have shown that if the amount of sugar in the blood increases, then dopamine in the brain starts to lose its good hormones and starts to become naturally depressed.

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