
Considering your accomplishments in Cybersecurity it is obvious to me you are a highly motivated person. When you exercise doing resistance training or cardio of sufficient duration and intensity then you can get a high from it. This is why people once they start a routine soon find out they are addicted to their routine. The problem is most people never start a routine and stick with it long enough to appreciate the benefits.

You have to decide to start and take it as seriously as running a business only in this case the business is your health and fitness. In my case everything I do in fitness is data driven. I track my biomarkers, I track my composition via scales and DEXA, I track or estimate my VO2Max, I track and analyze myself. There are apps and websites which facilitate this process such as the basic ones like MyFitnessPal, Strava, etc but also more sophisticated sites like InsideTracker and MyGeneFood. In addition you can use a spreadsheet and an old fashioned diary to do it too.

The key to it all is progressive overload. When you take the data driven approach to fitness the overall graph of your fitness will trend in a certain direction. Example, body fat will trend down, muscle may trend up, the amount of volume you can do may trend up, the output or productivity in the gym in different forms my trend up, the resting heart rate may trend down, and there are many different biomarkers and data points worth tracking. Capturing the data is also easier than ever with Fitbit and Power Meters for bikes which capture watts. The mirror will not reveal an accurate picture of your health and fitness but the biomarkers do.

I cannot tell you how to motivate yourself but I can only say that the more fit a person is physically the more they can accomplish in the world in whatever it is they are trying to do. It's to me a means of becoming a more effective person over time and to also feel good.

Now some science discussion...

Mitochondria health is a topic of major importance in anti aging research. Muscles are fueled by mitochondria. The energy systems of the body are what you train when you do different forms of cardio so we could call it energy system training. Mitochondria size varies. Mitochondria density also varies and this increases temporarily as a result of intense cardio such as HIIT and maybe also MISS.

Senolytic drugs are now entering into human trials. These drugs called Senolytics are interesting because they destroy "old" cells. The focus on Mitochondria in anti-aging research is due to the "free radical theory of aging".

For more you can watch these videos:

Long story short, healthier mitochondria is associated with extended healthspan.


Larsen, S., Nielsen, J., Hansen, C. N., Nielsen, L. B., Wibrand, F., Stride, N., ... & Hey‐Mogensen, M. (2012). Biomarkers of mitochondrial content in skeletal muscle of healthy young human subjects. The Journal of physiology, 590(14), 3349-3360.

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