Sweet honey medicine

in #health8 years ago

Sated any chemistry, humanity is increasingly turning to products, created by nature itself. Many of them are also natural medicine. It is to such unique gifts of nature apply honey.

 What is included in the composition of honey? 

Spectral analysis of the product, it was found that it is composed of copper, manganese, silicon dioxide , calcium, chlorine, sodium, phosphorus and magnesium.  The presence of aluminum in it determines anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, iron improves cellular respiration, stimulates the secretion of the glands. 

It contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, organic acids and biogenic stimulators. However, scientists still can not decipher its complex formulas and constantly open up new areas of application. 


Do not store honey in copper, galvanized containers and packaging made ​​of black iron, as entering into a chemical reaction with these materials, honey acid form toxic substances. 

Useful than honey? 

Honey activates the metabolism in the body, boosts immunity, and by acting as a natural antibiotic that destroys disease-causing microbes.

Honey - an effective sedative, has beneficial effects on the nervous system and thus does not cause harm to the body. To this end, it is recommended to eat in the morning and in the afternoon to 30 grams (about 1.5 tablespoons ), and in the evening - 40 g of the product. A glass of honey water ( 3 h. Spoon of honey to a glass of water ), drunk on the night will provide a restful sleep. 

Honey reduces sharp irritating cough. Honey inhalation is recommended for diseases of the upper respiratory tract.  At a cold: Mix honey mixed with water and bury your nose in 2-3 drops 3 times a day.  To strengthen the gums and teeth from plaque purification is useful to chew the honey comb. 

Onions with honey - a proven means to strengthen the hair.

How to eat honey? 


A daily serving of honey for adults - 50-70 g (1 tablespoon of liquid honey weighs about 20 grams of crystallized - 25 g ), for a child - half.  It is best to take it in divided doses on an empty stomach, washed down with warm boiled water, tea or milk (liquid temperature should not exceed 50C to honey is not lost valuable properties).

A source 


Awesome Read , Love Honey ! Make sure its Pure Honey and not some Sugar-based Substance!