Lead Found in 20% of Baby Food, We Simply Must Demand Better

in #health7 years ago (edited)

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.
Edmund Burke

People need to demand better to get better. One of the most powerful votes you have is to vote with your dollars. Simply, do not buy this stuff that is substandard or worse, and eventually they will be forced to improve the products. They are able to get away with putting poison in food, because they think you are not watching.

" No safe blood lead level in children has been identified. Even low levels of lead in blood have been shown to affect IQ, ability to pay attention, and academic achievement."

By being informed, and protecting your own kids, you protect everyone's kids. Sheep are always LEAD to the slaughter, pun intended.


There are three things in the world that deserve no mercy, hypocrisy, fraud, and tyranny.
Frederick William Robertson



Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Making sure that manufacturers test for heavy metals in baby foods would be one way to go. But really, are bought baby foods any more necessary then processed food for adults? As you know, I posted today on best first foods for baby at https://steemit.com/baby/@kiwideb/real-foods-for-baby-especially-your-allergic-baby-part-2-first-solids and none of these need to be bought ready made. Thanks for your comment over on my post.

Very informative and thought provoking article of yours, everyone should take the time to read her link. Luckily, so far my granddaughter has no allergies, but many other kids I know do.

The funny thing is you recommend meat which is typically highly contaminated with arsenic and other heavy metals do to them being either grass-fed on former cotton-growing plantations, or, more-often, them being fed grains that are not fit for human consumption because the levels are so high, and thus they accumulate in the animal before slaughter.

You know what also doesn't need to be bough ready made? Bananas.
They're already made, as nature intended, hell your baby can probably peel it too, and no cooking require; simply let them smash those high-vibration foods straight in their mouth.

Interesting read. I'm in the UK and baby formula milk was rationed due to a great demand from China as it was deemed safer than their own produced formula milk.
In the same sense I have taken the same stand with our own water supply as I do not trust what the authorities do with it so I invested in a berkey water filtration system. It's great.
Thanks for sharing

Because apparently it's tolerable for people to shamelessly promote in the health topics, check out my article on why milk is literally destroying your child and their health.

I agree with the water, it's better in Europe than the states, but it's not always the best there either.
I have a distiller which takes out literally all impurities for that clean 100% H20.

I wrote a post very very very similar on this topic, except I didn't add in the whole conspiracy crap. I'm unfollowing you now. Peace


There is absolutely no conspiracy crap in there?? I guess I forgot it, lol. Some well known quotes on tyranny, you are not for tyranny are you?

you do not deserve a response other then this. This is the second time I've caught you lifting content.

My post is totally sourced, and none of it matches yours which has not 1 link or any of the awesome quotes from history. Too bad you wanted to take this here, we are fighting the same battle remember?? It is not for me or you, it is for the children.

Interesting post - I just wrote about protecting babies from lead by making sure their iron stores are adequate. Love the conversation. Natural Iron Supplementation . Cheers! @beriberi

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