3 Easy Home Made Remedies for Common Problems.

in #health8 years ago (edited)

We often rush to the pharmaceutical store , for medicines searching for the right cure and remedies. We feel it's safe , and without looking at the contents we use it. What if I told you , there are various other ways to solve your problems. I'm talking about home made remedies. They're cheap, easy to use and very effective. So without further ado!

Home Made Remedies for Your Common Problems

  • In the summer keep cool by drinking a glass of butter milk in the morning instead of tea or coffee. This is not only good for the skin but also good for digestion.

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For sparkling teeth,

  • For sparkling white teeth brush the teeth with a bit of baking soda or table salt once a week

For tired, aching eyes.

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Take half a cup of cold milk and dip two pieces of cotton wool in it. Squeeze out the excess milk and put the pads on the closed eyes. Keep filling in milk as the pads become warm. For real relief keep doing this for at least ten to fifteen minutes.

Bonus - For long strong nails that will not chip easily try -

By soaking them every night in a mixture of warm almond oil and lemon juice. ( the same oil can be warmed and used again and again for several days) soak the nails for ten to fifteen minutes for the maximum benefit, then massage lightly and go to sleep after wiping the hands with a tissue.

  • Do not wash them till the next morning.

Follow Me @mojojojo


Hello! I read your blog and I'm sorry but the (cow) milk is really really very bad for human adults ...
Animal milk has long been claimed as the go-to source of calcium by the dairy industry, but as it turns out, milk is bad for you. Calcium from animal milk is not absorbed as well as that from plant-based sources, and it can be accompanied by a number of dangerous health problems...
Good topic for my next blog I think ;) thank you for inspiring me !!! :)

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