Other warning signs in our kidneys ...

in #health6 years ago

Hello, continuing with the blog of the ailments and kidneys, I will share other small details that may be causing illness or something is malfunctioning with our kidneys.

Thickening of the ankles, feet and hands, swelling.

Kidneys that do not work well do not remove any extra fluid from the body. This leads to sodium retention that causes swelling in the ankles, feet and hands. The swelling of the lower parts of your body can also indicate symptoms of heart and liver disease or problems in the veins of the legs.


Persistent back pains

Kidney failure can cause back pain that is usually deep and located just below the rib cage. It can be felt in the front of the groin or the hip area. Back and leg pain can be caused by kidney cysts, which are large, fluid-filled sacs formed in the knees, and are the result of polycystic kidney disease.


Swelling around the eyes

An early sign that your kidney's filter system is damaged is the appearance of proteins in the urine, which can cause swelling around the eye area. The swelling around your eyes can be explained by the fact that your kidneys are filtering a large amount of protein in the urine instead of holding it and distributing it throughout the body.


High blood pressure.

The circulatory system and the kidneys depend on each other. The kidneys have small nephrons that filter waste and extra fluids from the blood. If blood vessels are damaged, the nephrons that filter your blood do not get enough oxygen and nutrients. That is why high blood pressure is the second leading cause of kidney failure.


Alterations in the frequency of urine.

The kidneys are responsible for producing urine and eliminating waste through it. Changes in the frequency, smell, color and appearance of blood in the urine should not be ignored. The most common changes are these:

More need to urinate, especially during the night. It is considered that between 4 and 10 times per day is normal.

See blood in the urine. Healthy kidneys filter waste from the blood to make urine, but if the filter is damaged, the blood cells may begin to "leak" in the urine.

Have foamy urine. Bubbles in the urine, especially those that require it to be emptied several times until they disappear, indicate that the unwanted protein is in the urine.


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