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RE: Veteran Sets Himself on Fire to Protest VA

in #health6 years ago

The moment a State, or government, is created it exerts power over the citizens to accomplish the goals of the State. Originally the US Constitution limited the federal government to 20 duties... all other duties being relegated to the individual states. The Founders knew that the State could and would abuse the citizens it was created to serve. They knew the only hope was to limit the State and to "bind it with the chains of the Constitution." Alas, the ink was not dry on that document before men were devising ways to corrupt the original intent in order to amass power or wealth. Now, we have a very powerful State that essentially owns it's citizens but controls them for the benefit of the State ( and those who benefit from the State). The State has become the dreaded entity from Star Trek: The Borg. "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." Unfortunately, the trend has been and remains that humans are willing to trade their freedom and self-responsibility in exchange for providence and care and safety from the paternal State. We now serve the State, which essentially owns us, instead of the State serving us, who own it.

How to reverse this hideous situation? It can only happen in one of two ways, in my opinion. The first is that the State utterly fails (like the former Soviet Union), which it may. The second way to end the States domination of it's citizens is for each person to accept personal responsibility for self government, or local essential government. Personal responsibility, that is our only hope. This, in my opinion, can only come from a evolutionary development of higher awareness, or a higher conscious of the proper role of limited government. I suspect we will have to let the pendulum swing back to freedom before that will happen, and most likely it will only come through some national catastrophe or calamity. You see, humans like it when someone else, or in this instance, the State, assumes responsibility. Only through a higher awareness of the necessity for freedom and individual responsibility will things change. And eventually it will. In the meantime we carry the torch of Freedom and let it shine brightly. Truth will prevail...but it may take time.

I know this is all impractical theory, so to speak. It does not solve the problem of the Vets. But how do you get the vets to be responsible for the mistreatment they receive? Apparently, very few want to be responsible enough to demand change. This is exactly what I'm saying: people are less and less responsible and have less and less personal power when they suckle at the teat of the State.

Perhaps national bankruptcy is the only way out. But then the International Bankers will roll out their longed for International currency and government to Save Us. I promise you people will beg for the One World Government to do just that. And on and on it goes, until finally, that collapses too.

So you see, ultimately the only solution to government abuse is for the people themselves to realized they must be self responsible. There is no other way.

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