If You’re Sick Stay Home!

in #health7 years ago

I am taking a break from freelancing this week so I have more time. And really I should make time but by the time I have time I’m exhausted.

Well anyway I have time now so here it is. Did you hear about the woman who puked at the Hawks game in Atlanta last week?

If I was there I would have literally died. Though I am sure those who aren’t emetophobic would not react well, and I am sure those around her at the time were not happy to say the least. I hope for their sake that no one was emetophobic!!

So why did she get sick? Did she literally find out she was pregnant at that moment? Or was it sudden food poisoning? Or did she literally come down with a bug at that very moment and felt fine before that? If any of those reasons apply, then I won’t be too hard on her regardless of how this would freak me out.

However if she was already pregnant, or is dealing with some kind of chronic illness then she should have been much better prepared if she has been vomiting!!

If she had a stomach virus and she still didn’t want to give up on going to the game then she deserves to be shamed!!

No one has any business going anywhere if they are sick with a stomach bug or anything bad that is contagious!!

I understand some employers are jerks and don’t give their employees enough sick time. Therefore parents are also stuck with having to send their sick kids to school. Ok that’s beyond unfortunate.

But in all other situations, if you are puking your guts out, don’t go to parties, don’t go to the grocery store, don’t go to the bank, don’t go to games!!!! For the love of G*d stay the fuck home!!! Oh and you either have to eat the cost of the tickets or sell them (though have someone else who isn’t sick handle them).

I am not talking about a little case of the sniffles. If you are throwing up and you were feeling fine yesterday then what are you doing infecting other’s around you?


Seriously nothing pisses me off than inconsiderate sick jerks leaving home and not caring who they infect!!

If this applies to you, do you realize that you could be around someone who is immunocompromised, or has little kids, or at the very least is emetophobic like myself??

In other words you could be causing someone distress by going out while you are fighting a puke bug. Just don’t!! 🙄 It’s one of the most selfish acts that anyone can do!! STAY HOME!!



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