Fastest way to lose weight (a blessing )

in #health7 years ago

Ketogenic diet (Fastest way to lose weight)

Hey there reader myself Minhaz Mahmud Munir I am a final year medical student, Studying Bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery(MBBS) currently staying in Chittagong. So today I am going to discuss on such topics that are most useful to loose and maintain weight in an effective and fast way which we studied as a part of our academic curriculum in very basic biochemistry. So without further redo let’s begin.

So first things first What is Ketogenic Diet?

Okay first of all let me tell you that this is a very tough diet for vegetarian guys, but an easy one for non-vegetarian. Basically it is a diet in which people strictly need to maintain their carbohydrate intake (as definition below 50 grams per day). As a result, in want of energy, our body stimulates ketosis which produce ketone in our body to compensate the low intake of Carbohydrate in want of energy that is needed to maintain normal body function as a result of low carb(Carbohydrate) intake and ketosis the fat tissues get burn out giving you the Shape and weight and you want. Now What is difference between a low carb diet and ketogenic diet? And the answer is in a normal low carb diet you don’t need to maintain the carb intake that strictly also you can’t take fat, lipid, Oil etc. But in ketogenic diet you have to maintain carb intake very strictly to activate ketosis and you can take fat, oil, lipid substances basically all that substances that make your food tasty That’s why it is also called Low carb high fat (LCHF) diet, isn’t that cool? You are on a diet but you can still take butter, Oils, Chicken, Red meat, eggs etc. and another satisfying difference is in a normal low carb diet you lose weight gradually not that fast but ketogenic also known as keto diet is very rapid in result, you will start losing weight from the very fast week.

Is it harmful for your body?

Now some of you will say that ketone is an avowed carcinogenic substance… what will be the impact of a carcinogenic substance on the body? Yes, Ketone is a carcinogenic substance but it won’t really cause any harm while following the diet because the ketones that will produce in your body will rapidly utilized by your body to release energy… So, it will not stay in your body that much time required to cause mutation or any other harm. Physicians throughout the world are prescribing ketogenic diet, so stay calm and do a google search if you still have any doubt about the diet… but there is a fact have to follow the diet for limited period of time which is two weeks to three months. you might feel a little bit nausea and headache while ketosis is activated which can be overcome by doing some simple exercises and workout such as push-ups, walking, weight lifting or simple works that burns calories but guess what it is a good news while following the diet if you feel nausea, headache, fatigue because that means ketosis is activated in your body and you have executed the diet.

What amount of days or months do you need to follow the diet?

Well how many days or months do you need to follow the diet is totally up to you. Take a meter tape a weight scale and calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index). See what is the perfect body weight for your body with the ratio of your height and set a target weight of two or three kilos less than the weight you have chosen which makes your BMI perfect the reason of selecting two or three kilos less weight than your target weight is because when you will stop following keto diet you and eat unhealthy again you will start to gain weight again and then by the time you realize you started gaining weight again and eating unhealthy need to choose a healthy regular diet plan you will reach to your actual target weight…and can maintain that weight by a regular healthy diet and if you thing you will not eat unhealthy then go for the weight that makes your BMI perfect now backing to the main topic how much days do you need to follow the diet , and the answer is measure your weight within every two or three days and follow the diet until your target is not achieved but not more than three months.

•** Now what to take or what not to take?**

Golden rule of this diet is you have to keep your carb intake below 50 g per day that as written in the definition but try to keep it below 20 g to activate ketogenesis as soon as possible. So basically you can’t take anything that contains any sort of carbohydrates, you can’t take both simple and complex carbohydrate above the level 50 g. So be careful to take oats and other normal dietary foods because they are usually taken in normal low carb low fat diet not in ketogenic diet.
First of all you have to drink a lot of water so that you don’t get dehydrated.
So stuff like Potato, Rice, Bread, Wheat, Loaf, pulses that contains carbs,
You can’t take most of the vegetable because vegetables are high in carbohydrates.
fruits like grapes, apple or any fruit that are high in carbs.
Plain glucose drink, sugar, soft drinks you have to avoid.
There are tons of things that are high in carbs we usually take so no one can enlist what you can’t take
In the diet so use your common sense before anything you take you have to avoid any kind of sweets, they are sweet because they contain sugar which are simple carbs which are easily and rapidly absorbed in the body giving you a high carb intake rate.
So do google about the food you are taking be sure about the carb level of the food you are about to take and eat as said keep carb intake below 50 grams and below 20 grams if you want rapid result.

Now what can you take in the diet basically you can take any kind of food that are high in protein and fat such as Meat, fish, Chicken basically a little bit of oily food but not too much so that your calorie intake and calorie usage level is at a weight losing ratio.

Now let’s talk about the things that are allowed:

Fat: You can take any kind of fat but not too much and you have to reduce your fat intake day by day to maintain your calorie intake.
you can take Saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, trans fat.
Such as fatty fish, animal fat (non-dehydrogenated), lard, tallow, Avocados, Egg yolks, coconut butter, cocoa butter, olive oil, macadamia, macadamia oil, Soybean oil, butter/ghee, MCT oil etc.

Protein: You have to stick with protein in keto diet but not too much. Now what can you take are

  1. Chicken breast(26g)
  2. Ribeye steak (27g)
  3. Pork chop(30g)
  4. Shellfish(25g)
  5. Fatty fish(23g)
  6. Ground beef(20g)
  7. Liver (19g)
  8. Chicken thigh(17g)
  9. Egg whole one(6g)
  10. Ground lamb (19g)

There are some low carbs vegetables for vegetable lovers: yellow onion(7g), Broccoli(4g), Cauliflower(4g), Cabbage(3g), Green beans(2g), Romaine lettuce(2g), Green bell peppers (2g), BabyBella Mushrooms(2g), Spinach(1g)
Small amount of dairies is also allowed


  1. Beverages are suggested to avoid as they contain sugar and other unhealthy substances that may affect ketosis in the body.
  2. High protein diet requires a lot of water as you get dehydrated very quickly so drink a lot of water.
  3. Do simple calorie burning exercise when you suffer from headache, fatigue, nausea

For keto diet recipe: there are tons of Videos on how to cook for ketogenic diet do search on google and YouTube. On YouTube beerbiceps is my favorite.

Now my job was to give a small basic overview over ketogenic diet and I think I have covered a little bit of it. Now if you want further detailed information feel free to comment. And if you think it is a Good step on health issue please do like and as this is my first blog on this website I apologies for the unintentional mistakes.

MD.Minhaz Mahmud Munir
MBBS, Southern medical college and Hospital
Chittagong, Bangladesh

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