Benefits of aloe for health.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Did you know that aloe vera is a perfect complement to your beauty routine? Its antiseptic agents help us to disinfect the skin and favor the elimination of dead cells.



The aloe vera plant, also known as aloe, is one of the most famous thanks to the benefits it has for health, beauty and home. Its nutritional content is extensive, since it is rich in vitamin A, C, E and B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12; and also in folic acid and minerals, among others.

The properties of aloe vera are very extensive and offer many benefits that we can take advantage of through external use or consumption. If you still do not know all the medicinal power that this plant has, then we explain its properties and some of the benefits it has for your health. Among these, we can highlight:

It is soothing, healing, moisturizing and regenerating. It also has anti-inflammatory properties, ideal for reducing problems such as acne.

  • It is depurative, detoxifying and promotes digestion.
  • It works as a powerful antiviral.
  • Contains many amino acids, such as glutamic acid, aspartic acid, alanine, arginine or glycine, among others.
  • Regulates the body's glucose.
  • Provides a large amount of enzymes, such as amylase, lipase or phosphatase, among others.
  • It is considered a dietary supplement.

Benefits of aloe that maybe you did not know.

Aloe Vera is a plant with a unique medicinal power and ideal to treat many conditions. Today we present eight benefits of Aloe Vera that you may not have known and that can help you get more out of it.


Aloe has properties that help reduce cholesterol and improve circulation. Several investigations have come to the conclusion that this plant has properties that regulate the glucose of the organism and, for that reason, it has been considered as an antidiabetic.

Aloe helps regulate triglyceride levels and reduces glucose in some cases of type II diabetes.

Digestive problems.

Aloe vera is a great ally to improve digestion and treat digestive problems. Several studies have shown that this plant promotes the absorption of nutrients, helps eliminate harmful germs in the digestive system, acts as a rebuilder of the intestinal flora and is effective in attacking the bacteria that cause stomach ulcers.


Aloe works as a good antihistamine and acts as a dilator of the bronchi. It is ideal for treating respiratory problems and markedly reduces asthma.


The aloe plant is one of the best known in the world of cosmetics, beauty and skin care. Its healing, moisturizing and regenerating properties make it a very special ally to maintain the beauty of the skin and treat some ailments and conditions that may appear in it.

Its antiseptic agents are ideal for disinfecting the skin, since they favor the elimination of dead cells so that the skin looks younger and healthier. It is ideal to reduce scars, relieve pain from burns and irritations, soften, cure acne and improve blood flow.

Improve the defenses.

This plant is rich in vitamins and minerals, ideal to maintain a better functioning of the body and treat some health problems. Consuming aloe when there is weakness due to some disease helps to improve the defenses, since adaptogens help the body to overcome the changes produced by viruses and stress.

Reduces body fat.

It contains 22 amino acids, of which 8 are essential for the organism. Its depurative properties are ideal to cleanse the body of everything it does not need and also helps to eliminate the fat that accumulates in certain parts.

This plant also has 3 plant sterols that reduce the fat in the blood, alleviate allergies and cure indigestion.

Strengthens the immune system.

Consuming aloe strengthens the immune system, because it makes it more resistant to viruses or diseases. This plant is rich in polysaccharides, which stimulate macrophages, better known as white blood cells, which are responsible for fighting viruses.

Natural anti-inflammatory.

It has properties that reduce the oxidation of arachidonic acid and, thanks to this, reduces inflammation. In this case, it can be ingested directly or applied as a topic on the affected area. Aloe vera is ideal for treating strokes, it works as a tranquilizer and gives strength.

Because of this important property, this powerful plant has been used to treat patients with sprains, strains, osteoarthritis or arthritis.

A plant that can help us in many areas of health besides being a beautiful ornament in gardens!


Great information. Thanks for sharing with us.

Thanks to you friend for reading!

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @michelduartes.

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