Sidewalk Salt Makes Me Sick - as in “Not Healthy”

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Road salt ruins more than my shoes, roads, and cars. It wreaks havoc on our health, too.

Where does all that salt go when everything melts? In the soil where it ruins the grass and plants and microorganisms. And the run off finds its way into our water supply.

The rivers and streams coming from the Great Lakes region are as salty as seawater!

Recent research shows that plankton in our water have changed as a result. The more their salt exposure, the more their circadian rhythms / sleep cycles are disrupted.

The implications are substantial...The clock and biology of Daphnia (plankton) is very similar ... in our brains and most organisms.

It’s well known that people with poor sleep 💤 patterns are at greater risk for cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and even depression.

Hold the Salt!

I love my salt in the foods I eat, but I can’t stand how it crunches under my feet.

  • Save money by using less labor and resources to over-salt
  • Save the landscaping and soil that needs more labor and resources to recover from winter salt
  • Save our cars, boots, and cleaning crews
  • Keep our water clean
  • Save the night workers who spread salt and let them get some sleep!

Stay Safe

It’s easier than you might think. Just be smart about salt:

  • Shovel snow. Salt ice. If we stopped salting snow, or the anticipation of snow, we could probably reduce our salt usage by 70%.
  • Pick up a shovel. People use salt so they don’t have to shovel. But shoveling is good exercise, and gets you outside in natural sunlight.
  • Fix icy patches. If you have a drain that leaks and causes a slippery patch every season, repair it.
  • Dress and drive for the weather. It’s almost like we have forgotten how. Use grippy boots, winter tires, and drive slowly. Boost your Vitamin Grit!
  • Look at other best practices. Wisconsin uses cheese brine, New Jersey uses pickle juice, and Canada uses wastewater from beets. Scandinavia goes naked — no salt there!


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