First-time FermentersteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health6 years ago (edited)

I love sauerkraut, and I wanted to get the healthy probiotics too. So, I got lids from “The Easy Fermenter,” and got chopping.

image It seemed so simple — even I could do it!

My first dilemma was choosing the right size wide mouth jar. I decided to use one quart and one pint.

Then, I mixed the purple cabbage and Black Sea salt in a bowl and put it in the pint jar.

I thought you were supposed to add water, but I learned that you are to pound the cabbage down to make brine. I didn’t have the right tools, so I improvised:
image Ouch!

Finally, I figured out to use my garlic press. A friend uses their French press.

I’ve read everywhere that you have to keep the cabbage below the brine. I thought I was in good shape.

Then, I decided to combine them into one container. You can see which used Black Sea salt, and which used pink.

The brine just barely covered the kraut-to-be. So I ordered glass weights and a couple of days later put 2 of them in my jar. Maybe you experts out there could tell me if it was okay to open the lid and close it without pumping out oxygen. Cuz that’s what I did!


Now, 8 days have passed. Fingers crossed 🤞— I hope it’s ready. I’m open to advice.

And then I am full of more questions. People say you can put it in cold storage.

  • Does that mean I just put the screw on Ball lid and keep it in my cupboard?
  • Or, do I have to boil the lid so it forms a tight seal?
  • Do I have to keep it in the frig?

Pictures @mhrose


Here’s an update of what I have since learned:

  • let the mixture sit for an hour or more to really get the liquid brine to appear
  • be more generous with the salt
  • add some ginger or fennel, yum!
  • mold ruined a couple of batches, but when I did 2 pumps that sucked the air out, voila! No mold!
  • I bought some weights to keep the kraut covered.
  • make it more frequently because my son gobbles it up!

Proof that I’m still learning:
Fermenting Folly

I have no idea but have been wanting to do this myself. Goodluck.

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