Preventive medicine taken to a whole new dimension by the DNATIX PROJECT

in #health6 years ago

It was a normal routine for us, after every Friday after the prayers we do go to the local hospitals to give aid to some of the patients and also to pay them visits and sympathise with them.
This play a very big-role and really lift there spirit up making them fealt loved and care. And to us personally it gives us happy being able to give back to the society the best way we can.
I remember last week vividly. This time it wasn't some random sick patients we were visiting but it was my freinds stepmum. She love her stepmum so much,the relationship between them wasn't the usual stepmum relationship we are use to but these one is near perfection. Unless you are told she is her stepmum you will one hundred percent thought he was her son.
She raised him since he was one year old that's when her biological mum died and his dad married another woman.
Now her beloved stepmum who has been the mother he has all through his life is admitted because she is down with diabetic type 2 disease.
She has leg ulcer and it look like she may likely need amputation of that leg.
Entering into the ward and seeing her bedridden with her foot ulcer actually moved me. Looking at my freind already in tears just summarize how devastating the situation is for all of us especially him.
All what's runing through my mind at that moment was if only there was a cure and not the controlling and managing method that's being use when it comes to diabetes. Imagine if my freinds stepmum has a way of knowing initially that she is susceptible to diabetes disease in the future and has taken a proper care to prevent it from happening in the first place and not these curative or palliative treatment we are doing now.
But finally there is a light truly at the end of the tunnel for there is a project that is thinking and actually working more into preventive than the usuall curative medicine we are use to.
It's with honour I introduce to you the game changer in the genomics exploration.
May i introduce you to DNATIX PROJECT. These great project is focused on ensuring that all forms of exploration is done in other to tackle genetically related disease and to also ensure there is great improvement in our efficiency and precision in drugs development and production.
These at platform offer individual the ability to acquire and store there genome in a secure and decentralize platform. These platform is accessible to both third party and individual with the consent of the owners of the genomes.
And with these developments,phamaceutical companies don't have to rely more on guess work for they have all the test sample in the world to ensure there drugs are being developed to target a particular group of people who may be needing it and ensure there is more efficacy and potency in our drugs for therapeutic purposes.
the genetics expert now can be more useful to the society,for with these development, they can get to study the human gene properly and sort out the gene that predispose one to a particular form of diseases and possibly provide cures that will ensure there is a better life for us all and also for the likes of my freind stepmum.
Those who are carrying out genomics survey and information will also find these platform extremely beneficial to there field of study or work.
The platform is driven by the DNATIX TOKENS.with these tokens individual can acquire genome sequencing kits and also acquire access to health fitness apps from third party provider. Individuals with the aid of these tokens can also get access to the platform genome database.
The future can't get any brighter than this. For those pains and tears of the sickness and disease condition of our loved ones will soon be a thing of the past.
For more information visit the following

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