Myths and Facts about homeopathy

in #health7 years ago

There are uncountable cases that have been solved with homeopathy but some narrow-minded people still have some doubts on the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.  Actually many false conceptions about homeopathy have been shown by some people.

Image credit Dr. Samuel Hahnemann - the founder of homeopathy

Therefore, all myths and facts about homeopathy are discussed here so that student and other people can understand their science in a better way and enforce it in their life. 

Myth 1. Homeopathy is known as an unproven science. 


Homeopathy depends on experimental pharmacological and medical data. Over the years, scientists have conducted many researches on homeopathy medicines for their efficiency in a variant of symptoms. India and other countries have carried out many medical studies in which no clear data is found regarding the physical base of the homeopathic medicines, but they found sufficient experimental data to prove its efficiency. The base of all the principles of homeopathy is sound argument and experimental data. 

Myth 2. Homeopathic medicines don’t have any therapeutic value they are just sugar pills which take action more as placebos.


It is true that homeopathic medicines are only sugar pills which don’t have any curative value. But the fact is that these pills work as vehicles or carriers for the homeopathic medicines, which are dissolved in alcohol or water. Scientific studies have been conducted all over the world, in which scientists found that homeopathic medicines work effectively in case of various chronic diseases. Therefore, they shouldn’t be considered as placebos. 

Image credit Homeopathic medicines

Myth 3. Homeopathy acts slowly and is not good for acute diseases like fever, diarrhea, cold, cough, and so on. 


In case of acute diseases, homeopathy acts promptly and can be successfully utilized in healing fever, cold, infections etc. But sorry to say that people consult a homeopath only when the acute disease turns to be chronic. Naturally, homeopathic medicines will take more time to heal the problem. Also, it is seen that most people suffering from allergic asthma or skin disease, arthritis etc. take shelter in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines take a longer time to eliminate these chronic issues permanently.  

Myth 4. Homeopathy acts like a ‘magic remedy’ that can heal any health problem. 


Like any other field of medicine, homeopathy is also not able to heal various medical issues like dental problems, surgery, etc. Homeopathy is unable to act in case of surgery. So it is proved that homeopathy also has some limitations.

Image credit 6x potency homeopathic remedy

Myth 5. Homeopathic doctors are quacksalvers who don’t know anything about medicine. They are not trained doctors.


Homeopathic doctors are also qualified and well-trained practitioners. India has more than 200 homeopathy medical colleges, while approximately 500 medical colleges are established all over the world, which provide degree and post-graduate degree in Homeopathy. Presently, more than 2, 00,000 well-trained homeopathic doctors are practicing in India and at least 5, 00,000 doctors throughout the world.

Myth 6. Patients have to live in strict dietary limitations during homeopathic treatment. 


Some patients are advised not to take garlic, onions, tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol etc. during homeopathic treatment since these items may intervene in the function of certain medicines. But the restriction of the alcohol and tobacco is also good and healthy for those who are taking homeopathic medicines. 

Image credit Special Blend of Nine Homeopathic Remedies

Myth 7. Homeopathic medicines are only used in chronic diseases.


It is often seen that people contact homeopathic doctors so late when everything else has failed. In most cases, a disease turns to be chronic after a long time of allopathic treatment, so naturally it will be tough for homeopathy to heal it quickly. If the initial treatment is done by homeopathy, the chances of recovery are higher and also it takes very less time. Homeopathy medicines act effectively in both acute and chronic conditions.  

Myth 8. Homeopathic medicines cannot be administered in diabetic patients.


The small amount of sugar pills can be taken by diabetic patients. It is less harmful than eating sugar in the daily diet. If someone is suffering from severe diabetes, he can take medicine as drops in water or over lactose.

Image credit Homeopathic Doctor

Myth 9. The same white pills are administered in the patients for all kinds of diseases. How can homeopathy act effectively? 


Homeopathic doctors prescribed different medicines depending on the diseases. The sugar pills just act as a transport which helps the medicine reach inside the body. There are 3000 different dilutions in homeopathic medicines. Doctors choose medicine from this range and administer in the body to heal individual diseases. 

Myth 10. Homeopathy medicine has no side effects.


The side effects of homeopathic medicine are almost zero if assigned in potencies of 3CH and above. However, some solutions and triturates powder in very low potencies such as lx, 2x can have some minor side effects. Therefore, homeopathic medicines, like any other medicine, should not be taken unless you consult with a well-trained homeopath. Homeopathic medicines do not have negative effects if it is to be administered cautiously with proper individualization after you consult with a qualified homeopath.

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In Fact 5 your 2,000,000 and 5 million are written like this 2, 00,000.

Good overview of the misconceptions of homeopathy though.

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