Is your life full of tension? Yoga can make your life tension free

in #health7 years ago

Now-a-days it seems that life is running so fast. People are working for 9 to 10 hours per day, leading to stressful life. Therefore, they can’t devote enough time to improve their physical and mental health. Our body can adjust with this situation for a while. After that it might collapse with some health issues. They lose their emotional strength and feel physical pain and their daily life get affected. Yoga helps you get rid of all of your problems, either physical or mental. 

Image credit Sukhasana

Yoga acts like backbone that helps in developing the life force. Complete goodness can be accomplished by doing yoga, which includes several types of physical and mental exercises. Physical workout includes various seating or position which improves your body health, while mental exercise involves breathing methods, which control our mind. Yoga offers several health benefits, which made it enable to attain international greeting even when it had started in India many years ago. 

Image credit Shavasana

Yoga makes your life healthier

If you practice yoga on a regular basis, it will bring a lot of health benefits which contain:

1. It enhances elasticity 

Flexibility or elasticity is essential for the development of our postures, which can be achieved by yoga practice. Several movement problems can emerge due to inflexibility. Lumbar spine can become level just because of tightness in hamstrings, however tight hips can injure the knee. Yoga on a daily basis can develop posture, which reduces the strain in the connective tissues. 

Image credit Balasana

2. It improves muscles health

Well-built muscles not only make you handsome, but also prevent arthritis, back pain, and aging. If you have daily yoga practice, it will make your muscles strong and elastic in a short period. 

Image credit Vajrasana

3. It puts off crack in joint and cartilage 

While practicing Yoga, all the major joints of the body runs through a roller coaster of motion. This can prevent degenerative arthritis and squeeze the parts of the cartilage which are not usually used.

Image credit Bhujangasana

4. It enhances the bone health  

Yoga comprises of various postures that enable you to carry your own weight as well as also strengthen the bones of your arms. Not only that, it also helps in reducing the level of cortisol which improves calcium level in the bones. 

Image credit Trikonasana

5. It defends spine 

The spinal disks which help in absorbing shock crave for movement through which they get the nutrition. Yoga can get you optimum backbends, twists and forward bends to keep the disks in a supple condition.

Image credit Uttanasana

How people has benefited from Yoga?

In 2002, Timothy McCall, MD, decided to conduct a research in India, which would explore Yoga benefits. Prior to that, he found a development of shivering sensation along with lack of feeling in his right hand. He was afraid of these types of feeling. He imagined that he was suffering from multiple sclerosis or a brain illness but later he discovered that his neck and chest nerve had stopped functioning. 

Image credit Paschimottanasana

However due to this illness he was not able to work in a normal way, it comes with a blessing for him because Yoga specialists could try to discover the actual reason of the issue and become able to heal it. He did breathing exercise called Pranayama on a regular basis, had several movements and could bring back important energy by singing which was essential to develop damaged parts. With different Yoga practice he could be able to eliminate these health issues. Not only that, he could be able to improve flexibility, develop his postures and get rid of several symptoms.

Image credit Eka Pada Rajakapotasana

Here are some essential Yoga postures that can improve your health

  • Sukhasana
  • Shavasana
  • Balasana
  • Vajrasana
  • Bhujangasana
  • Trikonasana
  • Uttanasana
  • Paschimottanasana
  • Eka Pada Rajakapotasana
  • Ushtrasana

Image credit Ushtrasana

You can find several real life instances where people with chronic diseases can be able to eliminate those health issues by doing Yoga exercise. The entire world accepted Yoga remedy as a powerful alternative treatment. If you want to have more discussion about any specific issue, you can contact a doctor.

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Good Article on Yoga, ahead of Yoga day ... :)

All these are great and true, also consider Martial Arts (correct practices not commercial or fight oriented) that include "Body Change" like Sanchin, Ba Duan Jin and more. They derived from Yoga but developed in additional areas.

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